Tax number register – Check the register of tax numbers
The tax numbers of people working at a shared construction site or a shipyard must be listed in the public register of tax numbers.
You can use the public register to check that the names and tax numbers on the ID badges of the people working at the construction site or shipyard are in the Tax Administration’s register. In addition, the employer or the provider of the ID badge can use the public register to ensure that the tax number given by the worker matches the one in the Tax Administration’s register.
Check the register of tax numbers
This website is within the public domain and requires no signing or logging in.
Check the registration with the employee’s name and tax number
You must enter the person’s full name (first name and last name) and tax number into the register.
The search result shows whether the person is listed in the register with the tax number you entered. Just the name or the tax number is not enough – first name, last name and tax number are all required. The search result shows whether the name and the tax number match. The search result does not have any additional information, such as the individual’s personal ID.
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Entry into the tax number register must be requested separately
Even if a worker has a tax number, they are not automatically listed in the register of tax numbers.
Registration can be requested by
- the worker
- the employer
- the project supervisor.
In addition, the Tax Administration may also enter individuals in the register on its own initiative.
Removal from the register
The Tax Administration may remove a worker from the register if no employee details in the construction industry have been filed for the worker in the past 2 years or if no employee details in the shipbuilding industry have been filed for the worker in the past 3 years. The Tax Administration does not send the employee any notifications of the removal. If necessary, employees can be re-registered with the same tax number. Employees can also ask for their records to be removed from the register.
The worker’s employer or some other party who had originally asked for the worker to be entered in the register cannot ask for them to be removed. Every employer has their own identifiers that the tax numbers are registered to, but each tax number is personal to each worker. Therefore, the employer or the main contractor cannot have the right to request a worker’s removal from the register. Only the worker can determine whether they wish to remain in the register even if their work in construction or shipyard ends.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you work in the construction or shipbuilding industry, you can use this form to apply for a tax number and request its entry into the tax number register
Your tax number is not automatically added to the register. If you want your tax number to be registered, you can add it there yourself in MyTax.
If you have a Finnish personal ID
You can add your tax number to the register in MyTax.
How to add your tax number to the tax number register yourself in MyTax
Alternatively, call the service line for tax numbers 029 497 070 (standard call rates) or visit a Tax Administration service point.
If you do not have a Finnish personal ID
Visit a service point in person in order to receive a personal ID and a tax number. After you have a personal ID, you can request that your tax number be entered in the public register.
Employers – how to enter your employee’s tax number in the register
- You can ask the Tax Administration to register a tax number in the e-service.
- Tax numbers are only listed in the public register automatically if you use the e-service to request tax numbers for at least 20 workers.
You can also make the registration request before the workers are in the tax number register, if you already have the tax numbers.
You can also add your employee’s tax number to the register in MyTax.
You can also register a tax number by calling the service number 029 497 070 (standard call rates) or by visiting a Tax Administration service point.
Specifications - Direct data transfers and other e-filings > Requests for individual tax numbers.
You can see your tax number on your tax card or in MyTax. After login, select the Communication tab, then click Taxpayer details and Tax number.
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