Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Finnish personal IDs for workers arriving in Finland

The Digital and Population Data Services Agency issues Finnish personal IDs. In some cases, IDs can be issued by the Finnish Immigration Service or the Finnish Tax Administration. Personal IDs for children under 15 can be issued only by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

You can request a personal ID from the Tax Administration if you need it for tax-related reasons when you start working in Finland.  You need to have a personal ID to get a tax card or a tax number. You must have a tax number if you work at a construction site or a shipyard.

Do you already have a Finnish personal ID?

See the instructions for getting a tax card. Select the sub-page that is relevant to your situation.

Read the instructions for entering your tax number into the tax number register.

If you need a personal ID in addition to a tax card or tax number, follow these instructions:  


Book an appointment at a service point

If you need a personal ID and a tax card or tax number, you need to visit a service point. Please note that only some service points issue personal IDs. The processing time is usually 1 to 3 business days.

To book an appointment, call the Tax Administration’s telephone service at 029 497 010 (if you are calling from abroad, +358 29 497 010).

Alternatively, your employer can book the appointment for you, by calling the Tax Administration.


Bring all the required documents with you

When you visit a tax office to get a personal ID, you need to have all the necessary documents with you. If your employment contract or account describing your work in Finland is inadequate, the Tax Administration cannot give you a personal ID.

Make sure to fill in the registration form in advance: Registration information on a foreigner staying in Finland temporarily (6150e). Do not sign the form until at the tax office.

You will also need one of these applications:

What are the documents to bring along?

Bring these documents to the service point:

  • the registration form and application (5057e or 5042e) (make sure to fill these in beforehand)
  • a valid passport or official proof of identity with a photograph, from which you can be easily identified
  • an employment contract if you work for an employer who pays you wages
  • a commissioning contract if you work as a self-employed individual
  • if your employment contract or commissioning contract does not describe the work you do in Finland, your employer or principal customer or the Finnish party ordering the work must write a report that includes the following information:
    • your full name and date of birth
    • details on your employer or principal
    • information on the work you do in Finland
    • the start and end dates of your work in Finland
    • the place where you work (e.g. workplace, contract site and address)
    • the party in Finland who ordered the work.

Bring these documents to the service point:

  • the registration form and application (5057e or 5042e) (make sure to fill these in beforehand)
  • a valid passport from which you can be easily identified
  • a valid residence permit or visa, where applicable (depending on the length of your stay and your nationality)
  • an employment contract if you work for an employer who pays you wages
  • a commissioning contract if you work as a self-employed individual
  • if your employment contract or commissioning contract does not describe the work you do in Finland, your employer or principal customer or the Finnish party ordering the work must write a report that includes the following information:
    • your full name and date of birth
    • details on your employer or principal
    • information on the work you do in Finland
    • the start and end dates of your work in Finland
    • the place where you work (e.g. workplace, contract site and address)
    • the party in Finland who ordered the work

If you are not a citizen of the EU, the EEA or Switzerland, you will usually need an employee’s or an entrepreneur’s residence permit to work in Finland. Your right to work or do business is usually stated on your residence permit decision or card. If you do not have a residence permit that entitles you to work or do business in Finland, get one from the Finnish Immigration Service before you visit a service point.

Read more about the right to work and residence permits on the Finnish Immigration Service’s website

Are you staying in Finland for a longer time?

If you stay in Finland for longer than one year, you may have the right to a Finnish municipality of domicile. The Digital and Population Data Services Agency will assess the requirements for residency and determine whether you can be assigned a municipality of domicile in the Population Information System. 

See the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s website for more information about municipalities of domicile

More information about taxation and getting a tax card

More information about tax numbers

Page last updated 1/30/2025