Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Benefits and the withholding percentages used by Kela

Kela will receive your tax card information directly from the Tax Administration (basic tax card you received by post from the Tax Administration at the turn of the year). 

If you do not request a new tax card and submit it to Kela after you start receiving benefits, Kela will withhold tax from the benefits in accordance with the basic tax card or by using a formula-based rate, if the tax rate on the tax card is lower.

Kela will thus use the tax rate applied to wages. However, the rates applied will not be lower than the following withholding rates:

Kela uses the following withholding rates
  • sickness allowance
  • maternity allowance
  • paternity allowance
  • parental allowance
  • rehabilitation allowance and rehabilitation assistance
  • compensation for loss of earnings
  • start-up grant
at least 25 %
  • unemployment allowance
  • labour market subsidy
20 %

Ordering a tax card in MyTax

How to order a tax card for pay and benefits in MyTax

Order a tax card online

You can also order a tax card in other ways

Page last updated 11/22/2021