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Tax card for wages and salaries

You can always find your current tax card in MyTax. In MyTax, you can also make changes to your tax card details when your income or deductions change.

Tax cards for different situations

You can find your tax card in MyTax. Check that your tax card’s income ceiling is high enough. If your income exceeds the income ceiling, your employer will withhold tax on the exceeding part at the additional withholding rate unless you request a new or revised tax card. 

You can use your current tax card in your new job, as long as the annual income ceiling is high enough to also cover the wages paid by your new employer. You can also request a new or revised tax card.

Check that your tax card’s income ceiling is high enough. You can continue to use your current tax card if your income does not exceed the ceiling. If your income exceeds the income ceiling, your employer will withhold tax on the exceeding part at the additional withholding rate unless you request a new or revised tax card. 

How to estimate your income for the tax card

When you request a new tax card, you must estimate how much income you will receive during the year. Make a calculation of the total wages, salaries, fees, holiday bonuses and fringe benefits that you get from all your paid work. Note that you can estimate the amount; the exact information is not needed. If necessary, you can adjust your estimate and request a new tax card with updated information. You can request a new or revised tax card as many times as necessary.

If you find it difficult to estimate your income, study the advice and examples below.

Requesting a tax card and estimating income may be challenging if you are not sure how much you will earn. Here are some tips on how to estimate your income for the tax card.

  • If your work situation is the same as at the beginning of the year, you can base your income estimate for the entire year on the amount of income you have earned so far. You can also check the wages you have received so far in MyTax: on the MyTax home page, select Tax cards and prepayments, and then Request a new tax card. Select the short or complete version of the tax card request. You can see the wages you have received so far under Method of reporting income received – Information retrieved from the Incomes Register.
  • You can calculate an estimate of your total income for the year based on your hourly wages. First estimate your average number of working hours per month. Multiply the number of hours by your hourly wages. To get an estimate for the whole year, multiply the amount by 12.

Example: You work part-time, approximately 60 hours a month. Your wages are €15/hour. An estimate of your income for the year is €15 × 60 hours/month × 12 months, i.e. €10,800.

Adjust the estimate if needed

If you have irregular income, it is particularly important that you keep an eye on how much income you earn during the year. In this way, you can make sure you do not pay too much or too little tax during the year. You can see your income ceiling for the year under Tax cards and prepayments 2024 or Tax cards and prepayments 2025 on the MyTax home page.

If your income changes, you will probably need to request a new tax card. You can request a new tax card as often as necessary during the year.

If you receive wage income on a regular basis every month, you get an estimate of your income for the entire year by multiplying the monthly wage income by 12.5 months. In addition to the wages for 12 months, the amount also contains the holiday bonus, which equals half of your wages for one month. Calculate the gross amount of your wages, i.e. do not subtract any taxes or charges withheld. If you receive fees or fringe benefits, add them to the amount.

Example: Your wage income is €2,000 a month. The estimate of your income for the entire year is €2,000 × 12.5 months = €25,000.

How to request a tax card for wages in MyTax

Getting started

  • On the MyTax home page, go to Tax card and prepayments 2025 and select Tax cards and prepayments.
  • Select Request a new tax card.
  • Click Select the short tax card request.

The request has 6 stages. 

Stage 1: Background

Check that the information is correct.

Click Next to proceed to the next stage.

Stage 2: Pre-completed income and deductions

​In this stage, you can see the details on which your current tax card is based. Check the information and make changes, if necessary.

If you do not have a valid tax card for wages, you can get a tax card for wage income by proceeding to the next page and the Other income stage. 

Stage 3: Other income

Go to Pay and fringe benefits

  • Select whether you will report the details on the wages paid to you and the tax withheld on them so far, or use the details in the Incomes Register. If you are reporting the details yourself, enter the pay you have received since the start of the year and the tax that has been withheld on it. Do not include social benefits, study grants or pay received from abroad, because they are reported later in their own section.
  • Next, enter an estimate of how much pay you will receive. You can estimate your pay for the entire year (12 months)

Instructions for estimating your pay

Please note that if your employer has submitted data on your pay to the Incomes Register, you can see those details in the Pre-completed income and deductions stage.

Stage 4: Other deductions

  • In this stage, you can report any commuting expenses, trade-union membership fees, or other such expenses.
  • If you want to claim other deductions, such as credit for household expenses, go to the complete version of the request.

Stage 5: Delivery method

  • Check the tax card’s period of validity and delivery method.
  • MyTax suggests a date when the tax card will enter into effect. 

Select whether you want your tax card to be delivered

    • only electronically to MyTax, or
    • to MyTax and on paper by post.

Stage 6: Preview and send ‑ Your tax card is ready 

In the “Preview and send” stage, you can see the details on which your tax card is based, as well as your tax rate (also known as the withholding rate) indicated in the tax card.

  • Check that the information is correct. Click “Edit” or “Previous” to make corrections.
  • If you wish to continue filling in the details later, select “Save as unfinished”. Data saved as unfinished will be stored for a month. The Tax Administration will not process the information before you have submitted it.
  • Once all the details are correct, select “Submit”. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt.

If the tax card is processed by a tax official

If your tax card request is processed by a tax official, the processing time is 1 to 3 days.

If you have activated messages, you will receive a message once your tax card in ready. If you have not activated messages, you will receive your tax card by post. You can always find your tax card in MyTax, where you can save or print it

If the Tax Administration has sent you a suggestion for a tax card for wages via MyTax, follow these instructions.

  1. Go toTax card and prepayments 2024 in MyTax and click Tax cards and prepayments.
  2. Move on to Proposal for a new tax card for wages, and select Check proposal.
  3. Check all the information recorded at the different stages in the request form for a tax card in MyTax. If you find any mistakes, make corrections as necessary.
  4. When you arrive at the Preview and send stage, click Submit.

A copy of your tax card is always available in MyTax

How to deliver a new tax card to your employer

Your employer needs your tax card approximately 2 weeks before the next payday.

If you do not have a tax card, your wages are subject to 60% tax. 

Ask your employer how and when they need your tax card details. Many employers receive details on both basic and revised tax cards electronically directly from the Tax Administration. In that case, you do not need to deliver the tax card to your employer.

If your employer does not receive tax card information electronically, you must present the tax card to the employer yourself. Ask your employer how much in advance they need your tax card so that it can be taken into account in the next wage payment.

Monitor your income during the year

Keep an eye on how much you earn during the year. Compare the wages you have received so far with the income ceiling in your tax card on a regular basis. If your income exceeds the income ceiling, the employer will withhold tax on the exceeding part at the additional withholding rate unless you request a new tax card.

Please note that the annual income ceiling is specific for the employer. This is particularly important if you have several employers because each employer starts withholding tax at the additional withholding rate when the wages they have paid exceed your annual income ceiling.

Page last updated 12/2/2024