You can supplement the prepaid amount for 2024 with an additional prepayment

Individual taxpayers, self-employed individuals, partners of general or limited partnerships and agricultural operators:

Avoid back taxes – request an additional prepayment for 2024. You can submit your request starting 7 December 2024.

These instructions are for individual and corporate taxpayers alike.

If the tax withheld or prepayments made during the tax year do not cover the taxes for the entire year, you must pay the missing amount as back taxes after the tax assessment has been completed. If you want to pay the missing amount before that, you can request an additional prepayment. If you make an additional prepayment, you can reduce the amount of back taxes and the interest calculated on them.

When can I ask for a calculation for an additional prepayment?

Individual taxpayers (including the self-employed who have a registered business name) can request and pay an additional prepayment starting the tax year’s December. After you have submitted the request, you receive the Tax Administration’s decision concerning pre‑assessment enclosed with a bank transfer form.

Later, the opportunity to make an additional prepayment remains open until the Tax Administration finishes the assessment of the individual’s taxes for the year. Your tax decision for the 2024 tax year tells you the end date of your tax assessment. You will receive the decision in spring 2025. If you submit a request and determine a January due date for your additional prepayment, you do not have to pay late-payment interest with relief.

Corporate entities can request an additional prepayment only when the relevant tax year has ended.

During the tax year, no additional prepayments are accepted.  You must instead ask for a new prepayment calculation or ask for a revised prepayment calculation.

For individual taxpayers, the tax year is the calendar year. Individuals can make additional prepayments without late-payment interest with relief up until the end of January.

If the due date of the additional prepayment is after 31 January, you will also have to pay late-payment interest with relief. Read more about late-payment interest with relief.

If the accounting period of a self-employed individual is other than the calendar month, the tax year comprises all the accounting periods that end during the calendar year.

For corporate taxpayers, the tax year is usually the accounting period. If the accounting period is not the calendar year, the tax year is determined by the end date of the accounting period. The tax year comprises all the accounting periods that end during the calendar year. Corporate taxpayers can make additional prepayments without late-payment interest with relief for a period of one month after the end date of the tax year.

If the due date of the additional prepayment is a later date, you will also have to pay late-payment interest with relief. Read more about late-payment interest with relief.

How to request and make an additional prepayment

You must submit a request for an additional prepayment before actually paying it, so the arriving payment can be allocated to the right tax. You will receive instructions for payment attached to the decision on prepayments. Neither the e‑invoice nor the web invoice can be used for paying additional prepayments.

For the self-employed and for other individual taxpayers, the Tax Administration starts accepting requests for 2024 additional prepayments on 7 December 2024. 

Corporate entities can request an additional prepayment only when the relevant tax year has ended.

Please note: If you fill in the paper form to submit your request for additional prepayment and you prefer to avoid consequences of late payment, the completed form must arrive at the Tax Administration by 31 December 2024.

See the instructions  

Minimum amount to pay as an additional prepayment is €170.00. Lower shortfall amounts must be covered in the form of a back tax when the year’s assessment of the taxpayer’s taxes is completed.

  1. Go to the Individual income tax section, select Tax card and prepayments 2025 and click Tax cards and prepayments.

  2. Scroll down all the way. Select Change the prepayment under Prepayment 2024.

  3. You can pay additional prepayments in two different ways. Choose the option most suitable for you:

    1. You may have estimated how much will be enough to pre-pay additionally. In this case, you can enter an exact sum of money when submitting the request. Click Report the amount payable in the request for additional prepayment.
    2. If you cannot estimate the exact additional prepayment, enter your actual amounts of income and deductions for the entire year. Click Report corrected income and deductions in the request. Complete the tax-card and prepayment request following these instructions, and MyTax will calculate the amount required: How to request prepayments — individual taxpayers
  4. The request has 2 stages. You can see the stages in the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page.

    Stage Request details:

    Enter the amount of additional prepayment and select your reason for submitting the request. Typical reasons are “received rental income” and “sales profits and capital gains”.

    Select a due date, a date in January.

    In December, due dates can no longer be selected for the current year. The earliest due date that you can select is the first banking day in January. This means that if you request an additional prepayment at the beginning of December, you will in that case have to select a due date which is more than 3 weeks later in January.

    Late-payment interest with relief is added to additional prepayments from 1 February.

  5. The Preview and send stage: Please re-check all the information you entered. Click Edit or Previous to make corrections.

    When everything is correct, click Submit. You get an acknowledgement of receipt.

  6. You can open the prepayment decision concerning additional prepayment right away.

    The decision is also archived in MyTax: How to find letters, tax decisions and tax certificates in MyTax

    Instructions for payment are attached to the decision. You can make the additional prepayment in MyTax or your e-bank. If you choose to use your e-bank, you must enter the bank reference number for sending the payment. You receive this information together with the decision.

    If you wish, you can pay the additional prepayment online straight away. To go directly to the online bank, click on Pay now. The payment details are pre-completed. The payment date is always the current day and the amount will be debited from your bank account immediately.

    How to pay taxes in MyTax

Minimum amount to pay as an additional prepayment is €170.00. Lower shortfall amounts must be covered in the form of a back tax when the year’s assessment of the taxpayer’s taxes is completed.

You wish to call our service number

  • The number to call is 029 497 000 /Tax cards and prepayments (standard call rates, limited service in English).
  • You can request an additional-prepayment calculation and pay the amount up to 31 January 2025. If you do that, you avoid having to pay interest.
  • If the payment’s due date is a later date than 31 January, there will be interest for late payment added to it. Read more about late-payment interest with relief. Your request can be submitted and the payment made at any time up to the date when the Tax Administration completes your assessment for the 2024 tax year. Your tax decision for the 2024 tax year tells you the end date of your tax assessment. You will receive the decision in spring 2025.

You wish to use a paper form

  • Fill in the form
  • Please wait until you receive the Tax Administration’s decision containing a bank transfer form.
  • Follow the instructions on the bank transfer form to pay the amount. The due date is generally three weeks from the day when the Tax Administration’s decision is dated.
  • Note: When you send the paper form to the Tax Administration by 31 December 2024, we will send you a decision and the bank information for payment. The due date will be a date in January 2025. Allow enough time for postal delivery.
  • On the condition that the due date for an additional prepayment you request is in January, you do not have to pay late payment interest with relief.
  • If the payment’s due date is a later date than 31 January, there will be interest for late payment added to it. Read more about late-payment interest with relief. Your request can be submitted and the payment made at any time up to the date when the Tax Administration completes your assessment for the 2024 tax year. Your tax decision for the 2024 tax year tells you the end date of your tax assessment. You will receive the decision in spring 2025.

Minimum amount to pay as an additional prepayment is €500.00. Lower shortfall amounts must be covered in the form of a back tax when the year’s assessment of the taxpayer’s taxes is completed.

  1. You are on the Your tax types tab. Click Make a prepayment request next to the correct year in the Corporate income tax section.

  2. The request has 3 different stages. You can see the stages in the breadcrumb trail at the top of the page.

    Stage Profit: Enter new details by source of income. Depending on the situation, you can enter profits for a business source of income, profits for a personal source of income, and profits for an agricultural source of income.

  3. The Prepayment amount stage: MyTax shows you the amount to pay.

    You must pay the additional prepayment in a single instalment. You can set the due date: it can be today’s date or any date within the upcoming 3 weeks. The due date has to be a banking day.

  4. The Preview and send stage: When you have completed the request, click Submit.

    You get an acknowledgement of receipt. You can open the prepayment decision concerning additional prepayment right away. The decision is also archived in MyTax: How to find letters, tax decisions and tax certificates in MyTax

    Instructions for payment are attached to the decision. You can make the additional prepayment in MyTax or your e-bank. If you choose to use your e-bank, you must enter the bank reference number for sending the payment. You receive this information together with the decision.

    How to pay taxes in MyTax

Note: If the due date you select for the additional prepayment is the last day of the month, the Tax Administration will use your other unused payments or refunds to cover the additional prepayment at the end of the month.

Frequently asked questions

Interest on an additional prepayment and interest on back taxes are calculated differently. When late-payment interest with relief is imposed on back taxes, €20 is subtracted from the interest. However, the amount subtracted is never higher than the amount of interest. When late-payment interest with relief is imposed on an additional prepayment, no subtraction is made. If the tax is no more than approximately €650, it may be more beneficial to pay it as back taxes.

Example 1: Making an additional prepayment is more beneficial to the taxpayer

The prepayments you have made and the taxes that have been withheld on your income during the year do not cover your income taxes for the entire year. You receive a tax decision stating that you must pay €10,000 in back taxes. Late-payment interest with relief is calculated on the back taxes as of 1 February. Late-payment interest accrues until the due date of the first instalment of the back taxes, in this case 1 August. The late-payment interest with relief is €10,000 x 181 days x 6,5% / 365 = €322.33. €20 is subtracted from the late-payment interest with relief calculated on the back taxes, so the amount you must pay is €10,302.33.

If instead of back taxes you request an additional prepayment of €10,000 with a due date of 2 April, for example, the late-payment interest with relief calculated on the additional prepayment is €10,000 x 60 days x 6,5% / 365 = €106.85. You do not have to pay any late-payment interest with relief at all if you pay all the required income taxes during the tax year or within one month from the end of the tax year.

Example 2: Paying back taxes is more beneficial to the taxpayer

You receive a tax decision stating that you must pay €600 in back taxes. Late-payment interest with relief is calculated on the back taxes as of 1 February. Late-payment interest accrues until the due date of the first instalment of the back taxes, in this case 1 August. The late-payment interest with relief is €650 x 181 days x 6,5% / 365 = €19.34. Because the interest is less than €20, you do not have to pay it. The final amount of back taxes is €600.

If instead of back taxes you request an additional prepayment with a due date of 1 June, late-payment interest with relief is calculated on the additional prepayment as of 1 February. Interest accrues until the due date of the additional prepayment. The interest is €600 x 120 days x 6,5% / 365 = €12.82. The total amount payable is €612.82 In addition, you will have to pay the amount earlier than if you had waited for the due date of the back taxes.

If you do not have any other taxes overdue or debts in enforcement, the payment will be refunded to you to the bank account in the Tax Administration’s records within approximately one week.

If you made an additional prepayment without submitting a request first and if you have prepayments or back taxes falling due, we will use your payment on them in the order of due dates from earliest to latest. If you do not have any prepayments or back taxes due, we will use the payment to cover your other overdue taxes or debts in enforcement.

Note: If you used your reference number for self-assessed taxes when paying, request a refund yourself in MyTax. See the instructions: How to change selections relating to refunds of self-assessed taxes in MyTax. Before making a refund, we can use the payment on your overdue taxes or debts in enforcement.

No, because if the due date for the additional prepayment is the last day of the month, the Tax Administration will apply your other unused payments or refunds for covering the additional prepayment instead of using the amount you pay on that day.

Example: Your company pays a VAT of €1,000 for March. The due date for the March VAT is 12 May, but you pay it in advance on 20 April. Because the VAT has not fallen due yet, the payment cannot be used for it at this point. The payment must wait for the due date.

In April, you make an additional prepayment of €1,500 to supplement your company’s income tax amount. The due date you select is 30 April. It takes 1–2 days for the payment to be transmitted to the Tax Administration, so the payment does not arrive on the day it is paid. Because of this, the €1,000 you paid on 20 April will be used to pay the additional prepayment on 30 April. Consequently, you must pay the VAT for March again.

When your payment of €1,500 arrives at the Tax Administration, €500 will be used to cover the rest of the additional prepayment. Part of the payment will be used for late-payment interest with relief, calculated for the period 1 February–30 April. The remaining amount will be used for your other income taxes. If you have no such taxes, the amount will be refunded to you.

Page last updated 1/14/2025