If you operate trade or business as a private entrepreneur, you are a self-employed individual. It is possible that you have a business name registered for you. This page contains information and guidance about your taxes.
You must complete and submit the Business tax return (Form 5) for every year – including any year when you have not had any activity.
Tax returnInformation on the taxation of business expenses and related deductions.
DeductionsYou should also check your personal pre-completed tax return and add any missing information or make corrections if needed.
Pre-completed tax returnWhen you are a self-employed individual, the amount of prepayments depends on the taxable profit from your business and on all your other income during the tax year, too, including wage income from other sources, a start-up grant, or the like.
Tax prepaymentAlthough you make regular prepayments, you may additionally need a tax card if you are a recipient of wages, pay or pensions.
Tax cardYou must submit VAT returns for each tax period even if the you have had no VAT activities during the period.
Value added taxIf you are paying any tax after its due date, you will receive a summary of tax status to which a reminder letter is added. If you have temporary financial difficulties and cannot pay the tax by the due date stated in the reminder letter, you can ask for a payment arrangement to be made.
Financial difficulties