Remember to use the right bank account and reference number when paying taxes for a corporate entiry. Reference numbers help us match your payment with the corporate entity’s tax. Use MyTax for checking the corporate taxpayer’s payment status and the reference information needed for payments.
See instructions if you have to pay a tax late, or if you seek a payment arrangement with the Tax Administration.
Financial difficultiesBefore paying a tax you need to know the exact amount, due date and the corporate entity’s reference number for the tax.
Finding bank account and reference numbersCorporate taxpayers can use a web invoice for real estate tax, prepayments and back taxes.
Web invoiceIf you have paid all taxes by their due dates, you can ask the Tax Administration to send you a certificate of paid taxes. If you owe taxes, you can ask for a certificate of tax debts.
Certificate of paid taxes or a certificate of tax debtsYou must pay interest on any tax paid past due date. Use our calculator to determine the late-payment interest.
Late-payment interestMore time is often needed for tax payment through an international bank transfer.
How to pay from abroad