Why can't I download any tax forms in MyTax?

Whether it has to do with the pre-completed tax return form or with an application form for a tax card, you can enter information in MyTax directly to the specific lines, without having to fill out a tax form.

For example, if you are going to

  • complete your income tax return with information on the rent you have received from a tenant, MyTax does not have a traditional tax form for this – Form 7H, Form 7K or Form 7L – because it has the Rental income sub-heading.
  • complete your income tax return with the capital gain you received when you sold a piece of property or an asset, the MyTax section you should go to is Capital gains or Profits from selling securities – the traditional capital-gains Forms 9 and 9A are not there.

When you are logged in to MyTax to report additional income or additional deductions for your pre-completed tax return or for some other tax return,

  • just go to Pre-completed income and deductions. This is where you can fill in more amounts and other information in order to add to the pre-printed amounts that you see on your return. This is useful when some, but not all deductions, for example, are included on your return relating to your rental income, etc.
  • The Other income section is useful when no pre-printed amounts are found − just select Yes under Rental income or Capital gains, as appropriate, to report the income you have received.
  • Go to Other deductions to add any deductible amounts that are not pre-printed. Select Yes under Travel expenses or Credit for household expenses as appropriate.

Do not forget to finish with Preview and send.

When you submit an application for a new tax card or when you request a calculation for prepayments, you can add relevant amounts in MyTax the same way.

Instructions for MyTax

Page last updated 6/30/2020