Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

How to grant a authorisation for tax matters

When you grant a authorisation to another person or a company, they can take care of your personal tax matters or your company’s tax matters on your behalf in MyTax, for example.

It is also possible to attend to tax matters on behalf of another taxpayer through an interface. For example, an accounting firm can use the accounting software to manage tax matters if the software has an interface to the Tax Administration (Vero API). Read more about accessing the Tax Administration's APIs to manage taxes 

Take care of matters relating to authorisations on

Grant authorisations in the service. If necessary, you can also make changes to authorisations in the service.

On, you can also request an authorisation for yourself if you start taking care of someone else’s tax matters and you do not automatically have an authorisation based on your status. However, note that authorisations are not yet available to everyone.

Read the following instructions to learn how to grant authorisations depending on your situation. If you are not sure which authorisation to choose, you can find the descriptions of the different authorisations at the bottom of the page.

If you have an underage child, you can take care of their tax matters by logging in to MyTax and selecting the option “Act on behalf of someone else”. As a guardian, you do not need a separate authorisation.  


  • If a child has a non-disclosure order for personal safety reasons, their guardians cannot act on their behalf. 
  • If all the guardians of a child have a non-disclosure order for personal safety reasons, none of them can act on behalf of the child. 
  • If only one of the guardians has a non-disclosure order for personal safety reasons, only the guardian with the non-disclosure order can act on behalf of the child.

These terms are in place to protect information covered by non-disclosure.  

If none of the guardians can act on behalf of the child, a separate authorisation is needed, and each guardian must accept the authorisation.  

If you have been granted a continuing power of attorney and it has been confirmed, you do not need a separate authorisation. Log in to MyTax and select “Act on behalf of someone else”. However, if you are an attorney, you cannot submit or change another person’s bank account number.

Please note that in the following situations, you will need a separate authorisation from the person on whose behalf you are acting:

  • There are multiple attorneys.
  • The right to manage financial affairs concerns a certain part of the property, or the attorney’s jurisdiction is otherwise limited.

If you are foreign invidivual and you have

  • a Finnish personal identity code and a Finnish identification method: you can grant and receive authorisations following the instructions below.
  • a Finnish personal identity code and a Finnish proof of ID, but no electronic identification method: you can grant a authorisation by submitting an application on
  • a registered UID and the Finnish Authenticator app: you can receive a authorisation and act as a representative, but only on the behalf of a company.

If you do not have a Finnish personal identity code or a way to identify yourself, you cannot grant or receive authorisations. This means you must take care of any tax matters by filing paper forms, which are available on

How to grant authorisations

When you want to authorise another person

If you want to authorise another person to take care of your tax matters on your behalf, grant an authorisation on

  1. Go to and log in to the e-Authorisations service
  2. Grant an authorisation. The authorisation is activated no earlier than on the date that you select as the start date.
  3. The authorised person can log in to MyTax and take care of your tax matters on your behalf by selecting the option “Act on behalf of someone else”.

When you want to request an authorisation from another person

If you are a private individual, you can also request a authorisation from another person through an e-service, such as MyTax. To request an authorisation, you will need the personal ID of the person granting the authorisation.

  1. Log in to MyTax (opens in a new tab)
  2. After you have logged in to MyTax, select Act on behalf of someone else.
  3. Select Go to e-Authorizations.


    Select the Request mandates button on the page that opens.


    You are on the Requesting mandates page. Select Make a mandate request.

  6. Select Continue to service.

  7. After you have made the mandate request, ask the authorising person to log in to the e-Authorisations service and accept your request there. If the authorised person has activated Messages, they will receive a message from the service saying that they have been sent a mandate request. Go to the e-Authorisation service
  8. After the authorising person has accepted the mandate request, the authorisation is valid and you can take care of the authorising person's tax matters in MyTax. If you use have activated Messages, you will receive a message from the service after the mandate request you sent has been accepted.

If you cannot use the electronic authorisation service

If you do not have personal online banking codes, a mobile certificate or a certificate card, go to and read the instructions: Granting mandates if you are unable to use electronic services

Generally, you can take care of your underage child’s or your own company’s tax matters based on the information found in the Population Information System and the Trade Register, for example. However, you cannot act on behalf of your underage child if you yourself are under guardianship.

With a authorisation, you can take care of another person’s, company’s or organisation’s tax matters. You can grant the Filing tax returns authorisation (cannot be used in MyTax) and other authorisations intended for taking care of individual tax matters.

Please note: When a legal guardian is appointed for you, you may give another person the Managing tax matters authorisation, but this authorisation does not extend to logging in to MyTax to submit or change a bank account number. If you are under guardianship you cannot authorise another person to be in charge of matters related to your bank account.

Read the instructions for granting authorisations in the section that corresponds to your situation – for example, the instructions for a private individual.

Instructions on

Instructions for e-Authorisations

You do not need a authorisation if the company or organisation on whose behalf you are acting is one for which you have an official role recorded in the Trade Register:

  • Managing Director, substitute for the Managing Director or Deputy Managing Director
  • Chair of the Board
  • Member of the Board authorised to sign for the company alone
  • Liquidator
  • Building Manager or Full-time Building Manager
  • Self-employed business operator (being in the Business Information System suffices)
  • General partner
  • Holder of procuration
  • Accountant
  • Party authorised to sign for the company alone.

How to grant authorisations

Visit to check who can grant authorisations on behalf of a company

Go to and log in to the e-Authorisations service

Grant an authorisation in the service. If you have the right to grant the authorisation alone, the authorisation will enter into effect immediately. If several authorising parties are required, the authorisation will enter into effect once everyone has confirmed the authorisation in the service. For more detailed instructions, see Granting mandates jointly

The authorised party can log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the authorising party’s tax matters. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Authorised agents who have logged in to MyTax to handle their client’s affairs cannot change the account number of limited companies or public limited companies. Individuals with the required official role recorded in the Trade Register can make changes to account numbers on behalf of companies and cooperatives. However, a person under guardianship cannot inform the Tax Administration of a bank account number or of a changed bank account number.

Granting an authorisation with a Business ID: When you grant authorisations using your Business ID, your agent can access the taxpayer details related to your business in MyTax. The agent will also receive a summary on the tax payment status once a month.

As a self-employed business operator, you can grant authorisations in the service even if you are not in the Trade Register.

Go to and log in to the e-Authorisations service

After logging in to, select Company’s mandates to take care of your company’s matters.

Grant or approve an authorisation in the service. After you have granted or approved the authorisation, it will enter into effect immediately. The authorised party can then log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of your tax matters on your behalf. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

If you cannot use electronic identification

Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request without logging in. This way, you can authorise an accounting firm, for example.

You can restrict the information your agent can view

If you grant your agent the authorisation called “Managing of tax affairs”, the agent can see, edit and file all tax details related to your business activities and personal tax matters.

If you do not want your accountant or agent to see your personal tax information, do this:

  • Go to and grant your accountant an authorisation for specific tax matters. For example, with the “Filing of tax returns and other reports” authorisation, your accountant cannot take care of your tax matters in MyTax but they can file tax returns on your behalf via other Tax Administration e-services.
  • If, in an individual case, your accountant needs information that they cannot access with their authorisation, you can log in to MyTax with your own online banking codes, copy all the necessary details and then send them to your accountant.

A) How to grant authorisations when a partnership has only Finnish citizens who all have personal online banking codes, mobile certificates or certificate cards

Go to and log in to the e-Authorisations service

Grant an authorisation in the service. Select “Company’s mandates” and the partnership on behalf of which you are granting authorisations. Confirm the authorisation for your own part.

Inform the other shareholders that they need to log in to the e-Authorisations service and confirm the authorisation you have granted. The authorisation will enter into effect after all the shareholders have confirmed it.

The authorised party can log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the partnership’s tax matters by selecting the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

B) How to grant authorisations when

  • a shareholder does not have an electronic means of identification
  • shareholders include other partnerships, death estates, or foreign individuals.

Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request. The request concerns either a right to grant authorisations or a representative’s right to grant authorisations. Only those with the right to grant authorisations are able to grant authorisations for managing tax matters on behalf of others.

When the right to grant authorisations has been approved, log in to the e-Authorisations service. Select “Company’s mandates” and the partnership on behalf of which you are granting authorisations. Grant the relevant authorisations to the parties you need to take care of the partnership’s tax matters. For example, you can grant an authorisation to yourself or to an accounting firm.

The authorised party can log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the partnership’s tax matters by selecting the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request. The request concerns either a right to grant authorisations or a representative’s right to grant authorisations. Only those with the right to grant authorisations are able to grant authorisations for managing tax matters on behalf of others.

When the right to grant authorisations has been approved, log in to the e-Authorisations service. Grant the relevant authorisations to the parties you need to take care of the partnership’s tax matters. For example, you can grant an authorisation to yourself or to an accounting firm.

The authorised party can log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the business partnership’s tax matters by selecting the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Please note that you can submit a deed of estate inventory in MyTax even if you do not have a authorisation.

An estate of a deceased person must always have a Business ID in order to authorise other individuals or companies to take care of the tax matters of the estate (i.e. of the parties to the estate) on its behalf electronically. However, estates of deceased persons cannot be issued a Business ID only for the purpose of having a authorisation.

An estate can already have a Business ID that has been necessary for other purposes, such as agricultural operations. Alternatively, an estate that conducts business, for example, can submit an application for a Business ID. At present, an estate that does not have a Business ID must use paper forms for its tax matters.

Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request. The request concerns either a right to grant authorisations or a representative’s right to grant authorisations. Those with the right to grant authorisations are able to grant authorisations for managing tax matters on behalf of others.

When the right to grant authorisations has been approved, log in to the e-Authorisations service. Grant the relevant authorisations to the parties you need to take care of the estate’s tax matters. For example, you can grant an authorisation to yourself or to an accounting firm.

The authorised party can then log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the estate’s tax matters. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Please note that you can submit a deed of estate inventory in MyTax even if you do not have a authorisation.

If the estate does not have a Business ID, it cannot authorise a person or a company to take care of its tax matters electronically. Additionally, estates of deceased persons cannot be issued a Business ID only for the purpose of having a authorisation.

However, an estate that conducts business, for example, can submit an application for a Business ID.

For the time being, if the estate does not have a Business ID, its tax matters cannot be managed online. However, parties to the estate can submit a letter of authorisation concerning other service channels using a paper form. The person appointed in the letter of authorisation can take care of the estate’s tax matters using paper forms, by calling the Tax Administration’s telephone service or by visiting the tax office.

Letter of authorisation for tax representation of undistributed estates

Finnish organisations must always have a Business ID if they wish to authorise other individuals or companies to take care of their tax matters. The authorising party must have the required rights in order to grant authorisations. If the organisation has a representative listed in the Trade Register, Register of Associations, or Business Information System (BIS), the representative can grant authorisations. If the organisation does not have a representative in any of these registers, it needs to request the right to grant authorisations before any authorisations can be granted.

Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request. The request concerns either a right to grant authorisations or a representative’s right to grant authorisations. Only those with the right to grant authorisations are able to grant authorisations for managing tax matters on behalf of others.

When the right to grant authorisations has been approved, log in to the e-Authorisations service. Grant the relevant authorisations to the parties you need to take care of the organisation’s tax matters. For example, you can grant an authorisation to yourself or to an accounting firm.

The authorised party can then log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the public organisation’s tax matters. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request. The request concerns either a right to grant authorisations or a representative’s right to grant authorisations. Those with the right to grant authorisations are able to grant authorisations for managing tax matters on behalf of others.

When the right to grant authorisations has been approved, log in to the e-Authorisations service and grant the required authorisations to the parties you need to take care of the joint benefit administration’s tax matters. For example, you can grant an authorisation to yourself or to an accounting firm.

The authorised party can log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the authorising party’s tax matters. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

If you are listed in the Register of Associations as the association’s Chair of the Board, or if you have the right to sign for the association alone, you do not need a authorisation to take care of the association’s tax matters.

How to grant authorisations if you are the Chair of an association or you have the right to sign for the association alone

If you are entitled to represent the association alone and your personal identity code and official role (authorised signatory) are entered in the Register of Associations, you can grant another person or company a authorisation for the association’s tax matters. You can check the information at the Register of Associations maintained by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office.

  1. Log in to the e-Authorisations service
  2. Grant an authorisation in the service. After you have granted or approved the authorisation, it will enter into effect immediately. The authorised party can then log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the association’s tax matters there. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Note that the authorised party cannot change the association’s bank account number in MyTax. The account number can only be changed by a person with an official role recorded in the Register of Associations, such as the association’s Chair or a representative authorised to sign for the association alone.

If you cannot log in to grant authorisations

If your right to represent the association alone has been recorded in the Finnish Patent and Registration Office’s Register of Associations but you cannot log in to the e-Authorisations service, contact PRH customer service.

You need the following information:

  • “Cannot grant authorisations”
  • Your association’s Business ID
  • The name of the person who cannot grant authorisations
  • An email address for responses.

How to grant authorisations if two together have the right to sign for the association

Any of the parties authorised to sign can start the authorisation process by selecting the role Company’s mandates in the e-Authorisations service.

  1. Log in to the e-Authorisations service
  2. Select the authorisations and specify the parties receiving them.
  3. Confirm the authorisations for your part.
  4. Inform the other persons whose confirmation is needed that they need to log in to the e-Authorisations service, select Company’s mandates and confirm the authorisations for their part.

Instructions on How representatives of an organisation grant mandates jointly

How to grant an authorisation if you cannot do it directly in the e-Authorisations service

  1. Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request. The request concerns a right to grant authorisations. Those with the right to grant authorisations are able to grant authorisations for managing tax matters on behalf of others.
  2. When the right to grant authorisations has been approved, log in to the e-Authorisations service. Grant the required authorisations to the parties who take care of the association’s tax matters. For example, you can grant an authorisation to yourself or to an accounting firm.
  3. The authorised party can then log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the association’s tax matters there. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Instructions on How an association grants mandates

If you are listed in the Trade Register as the foundation’s Chair of the Board, or if you have the right to sign for the foundation alone, you do not need a authorisation to take care of the foundation’s tax matters.

How to grant authorisations if the foundation is in the Trade Register

You can grant authorisations to others if you are listed as the Chair of the Board or as having the right to sign for the foundation alone. The foundation can also grant authorisations if the Board together have the right to sign for the foundation. For more information, see Granting mandates jointly

Log in to the e-Authorisations service

Grant an authorisation in the service. After you have granted or approved the authorisation, it will enter into effect immediately. The authorised party can then log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the foundation’s tax matters there. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

How to grant authorisations if the foundation is not in the Trade Register

If no one is listed in the Trade Register as the Chair of the Board or as having the right to sign for the foundation alone, do as follows in order to grant authorisations:

Request authorisations in the service. Read the instructions first and then make the request. The request concerns either a right to grant authorisations or a representative’s right to grant authorisations. Those with the right to grant authorisations are able to grant authorisations for managing tax matters on behalf of others.

When the right to grant authorisations has been approved, log in to the e-Authorisations service. Grant the relevant authorisations to the parties you need to take care of the foundation’s tax matters. For example, you can grant an authorisation to yourself or to an accounting firm.

The authorised party can then log in to MyTax, for example, and take care of the foundation’s tax matters there. When logging in, the authorised party must select the option “Act on behalf of a company”.

Descriptions of authorisations

Managing all tax matters

If you want the authorised party to be able to take care of all of your tax matters, grant them the “Managing of tax affairs” authorisation in the e-Authorisations service.

The party who has been granted this authorisation can manage all tax matters on behalf of the authorising party:

  • on behalf of an individual taxpayer: personal tax matters
  • on behalf of a self-employed person (a self-employed business operator or an agricultural operator): both personal and business-related tax matters
  • on behalf of an organisation, e.g. a company or cooperative: all of the organisation’s tax matters.

The authorised party can use the authorisation at tax offices, in the telephone service, in MyTax, in the service and through software provided that the software has an interface to the Tax Administration (Vero API). The authorised party can see all of the authorising party’s tax information in MyTax and can also ask for the information via other channels.

Note the exceptions: The “Managing of tax affairs” authorisation does not allow the authorised party to
- change a company’s bank account number in MyTax if the company form is a limited company, public limited company or non-profit association
- submit a bank account number or change a bank account number of a person under legal guardianship
- use, EMCS or the e-service for filing excise duties
- submit reports to the Incomes Register – the Incomes Register requires separate authorisations.

Self-employed business operators or agricultural operators: the authorised party can also view your personal tax information

If you grant the “Managing of tax affairs” authorisation to an accounting firm, the representative of the accounting firm can see your personal tax information as well as your company’s information in MyTax.

The authorised party can view the following details in MyTax:

  • income tax, inheritance tax, gift tax
  • advance rulings and claims for adjustment relating to income tax
  • decisions on claims for adjustment made by the Tax Administration and the Adjustment Board
  • letters and decisions concerning taxation
  • tax audit reports concerning business operations
  • decisions on advance rulings made in MyTax.

Inside information according to the EU regulation on market abuse is not available in MyTax.

The “Managing of tax affairs” authorisation also allows you to search the tax debt register for business operators’ tax debt information. (Everyone can search for tax debts of companies and organisations without an authorisation.)

If you want to grant restricted authorisations

If you want the authorised party to be able to take care of specific tax matters only and you do not want to grant them the “Managing of tax affairs” authorisation, you can grant a specific authorisation in the e-Authorisations service.

This authorisation does not allow the authorised party to use MyTax.

Instead, it allows the authorised party to use to submit tax returns and other tax-related reports on behalf of the authorising party. Additionally, this authorisation allows you to search the tax debt register for business operators’ tax debt information. (Everyone can search for tax debts of companies and organisations without an authorisation.)

Please note that does not include all tax returns. Additionally, allows you to submit returns only as files generated by accounting software. The file must adhere to the data file specification.

Example: If you cannot submit the VAT return as a file, you need the “Managing of tax affairs” authorisation to file the return in MyTax.

Taking care of matters at the tax office or via the telephone service: The authorisation does not give you access to an individual’s tax information.

The authorised party can view and update the real estate details used as basis for the authorising party’s real estate taxation. The authorised party can also request extended time for filing a real estate tax return and file a claim for adjustment of real estate tax. In addition, the authorised party can also apply for a temporary real estate tax subsidy for agricultural production buildings.

Taking care of matters at the tax office or via the telephone service: The authorisation allows access to information related to real estate tax, including real estate tax decisions. You cannot access information, letters or decisions related to payments.

Taking care of matters by the use of software: The authorised party can request letters related to real estate tax on behalf of the authorising party if the software has the Letters, Decisions and Information Requests interface to the Tax Administration.

The authorised party can

  • file, view and edit a household’s reports on construction work, and contract and employee details related to construction on behalf of the authorising party
  • request construction and shipbuilding industry’s tax number details.

Information available to the authorised party in MyTax

The authorised party can view

  • details of all reports on construction work filed with the ID of the party who has the obligation to provide information, regardless of who has actually filed the reports
  • letters related to the content of construction work reports
  • whether a tax number is in the construction industry’s or the shipbuilding industry’s public register.

When a company registers workers in the construction or shipbuilding industry’s tax number register with their personal IDs, the company also receives information on the registered workers’ tax numbers.

The authorised party cannot view

  • the negligence penalties on construction reports
  • letters regarding the negligence penalties on construction reports
  • claims for adjustments
  • letters concerning other matters than construction reports.

Taking care of matters at the tax office or via the telephone service: With the authorisation, you can take care of the same matters as in MyTax. Additionally, the authorisation allows you to enter workers in the tax number register.

Taking care of matters by the use of software: The authorised party can request letters related to reports on construction work and requests for tax numbers on behalf of the authorising party if the software has the Letters, Decisions and Information Requests interface to the Tax Administration.

The authorised party can

  • request registration for the VAT special scheme
  • take care of tax matters related to the VAT special scheme.

Information available to the authorised party in MyTax

The authorised party can take care of the following tax matters, but only if they are related to the VAT special scheme:

  • file, view and edit returns
  • view the amount of tax based on the return, the reference number and account number in the return and its PDF printout, but the authorised party cannot see the overall status of taxes or whether the tax has been paid
  • respond to information requests
  • view reminders concerning returns and information requests and decisions
  • see and edit the scheme registration details
  • file a notification of termination

The authorised party cannot access

  • any information about the authorising party’s other tax matters
  • any tax payment status or payment details other than the amount of tax payable based on the special scheme return.

Taking care of matters at the tax office or via the telephone service: The authorisation allows you to access information about the tax returns related to the VAT special scheme, registrations, reminders, decisions, information requests and responses, and the reference number for making the payment.

Taking care of matters by the use of software: The authorised party can request OSS letters on behalf of the authorising party if the software has the Letters, Decisions and Information Requests interface to the Tax Administration.

The authorised party can make and edit requests for VAT refunds submitted to other EU countries and view the messages received on the subject.

Information available to the authorised party in MyTax

The authorised party can take care of all matters related to refund applications. They can:

  • file a refund request
  • view the status of the request
  • read messages and decisions published in MyTax.

The authorised person cannot see the taxpayer’s other tax matters in MyTax, such as tax payment details.

Taking care of matters at the tax office or via the telephone service: The authorisation allows you to access the same information as in MyTax.

Taking care of matters by the use of software: The authorised party can request ALVEU letters on behalf of the authorising party if the software has the Letters, Decisions and Information Requests interface to the Tax Administration.

The authorised party can apply for

  • refunds of tax at source withheld on dividends, interest or royalties in Finland when the amount withheld has been too high or entirely unwarranted
  • a foreign corporation’s tax-at-source card for dividends, interest and royalties to be received from a source in Finland.

This authorisation is used in

The authorised party can take care of tax matters related to the taxation of vehicles that are registered or taken into use in Finland for the first time. The authorised party can, for example

  • register as a filer of car tax and change registration details
  • file car tax returns and respond to requests for further information
  • view car tax decisions
  • submit price details on new vehicles and view price details
  • file declarations of demonstration use
  • request car tax refunds
  • request for extension of time limit for tourist use
  • request a decision on residency for purposes of car tax
  • appeal against a decision on car tax.

Taking care of matters at the tax office or via the telephone service: The authorisation allows you to access information on car tax returns, export refund applications and declarations of demonstration use, requests for additional information, car tax decisions and the decision made on the application. Information related to adjustments cannot be accessed.

Taking care of matters by the use of software: The authorised party can request on behalf of the authorising party

  • letters related to car taxation if the software has the Letters, Decisions and Information Requests interface to the Tax Administration
  • decisions on car tax if the software has the Car Taxation interface to the Tax Administration.

The “Managing matters concerning excise taxation” authorisation allows the authorised party to take care of the following matters in MyTax:

  • file excise duty returns
  • submit advance notices and see whether guarantees have been paid or not or whether they have been used
  • request refunds of excise duties
  • view previous tax decisions and refund decisions concerning excise duties
  • request new excise duty authorisations or changes to existing authorisations
  • take care of matters related to the register of aid recipients for excise duty (VATU)
  • register as liable for excise duty or make changes to registration details.
  • take care tax matters that concern the movement of products subject to harmonised excise duty in the Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS).

Taking care of matters via the telephone service: The authorisation allows you to access the same information as in MyTax.

Please note: If you have been granted the “Managing matters concerning excise taxation” authorisation, you can pay guarantees in advance in MyTax but you cannot pay any other excise duties or take care of matters related to payments.

However, you can pay taxes, charges and guarantees in an online bank if you have the relevant details, i.e. the amount of taxes, the account number and the reference number for self-assessed taxes. These details can be requested from the authorising party or from a person who has the “Managing of tax affairs” authorisation. They can check the information in MyTax.

Taking care of matters by the use of software: The authorised party can request letters related to excise taxation on behalf of the authorising party if the software has the Letters, Decisions and Information Requests interface to the Tax Administration.

The authorisation for EMCS transactions is “Submitting notifications of movements of excise goods”. If you have a previous authorisation for using EMCS for movements of excise products under duty suspension, you do not have to apply for a new authorisation.

The authorised party can manage the authorising party’s tax matters that concern the movement of products subject to harmonised excise duty in the Excise Movement and Control System (EMCS).

The authorisation can be used in MyTax and through software, provided that the software has an EMCS interface with the Tax Administration (Vero API). The authorisation also covers products for which the excise duty has been paid in the country of dispatch.

Taking care of tax matters in the telephone service: You can use the authorisation to take care of similar matters as in MyTax.

The authorisation does not allow the authorised party to send or receive messages from MyTax.

Frequently asked questions

Limited liability companies and housing companies can authorise another person or company in the service to take care of their tax matters even if multiple people together have the right to sign for the company. In other words, a limited company or a housing company can grant authorisations even if the Trade Register records show that two or more people together sign for the company.

Authorisations can be granted on if the company’s articles of association state that the following parties have the right to sign for the company:

  • the Board of Directors of the limited company or housing company, all together
  • members of the Board of the limited company or housing company, two together
  • the chairman together with one member of the Board.

Multiple persons entitled to sign for the company can grant an authorisation together if the right to sign for the limited company or housing company is recorded in the Trade Register and the persons granting authorisations have Finnish personal IDs.

General or limited partnerships can authorise another person or company in the service to take care of their tax matters even if multiple people together have the right to sign for the company. In other words, a general partnership or a limited partnership can grant authorisations even if the Trade Register records show that two or more people together sign for the company.

Authorisations can be granted in the service if the partnership agreement states that the following parties have the right to sign for the company:

  • all partners together
  • two partners together (representation right according to the partnership agreement)
  • all partners together if the Trade Register records do not say anything about the authority to sign.

All partners must have Finnish personal IDs.

Any of the general partnership’s partners or the limited partnership’s responsible partners can start the authorisation process by selecting the role "Company’s mandates" in the e-Authorisations service.

Grant an authorisation as a company or an organisation (

If the company changes its accounting firm for another, the authorisations must be changed, as well.

The company must

  • invalidate the authorisations it had granted to the previous accounting firm
  • grant new authorisations for tax matters to the new accounting firm.

The company can make the changes to the authorisations in the e-Authorizations service. See the instructions for invalidating authorisations on Invalidating mandates as an organisation

If the company does not invalidate the authorisations, they will remain in force up until their original end date.

If you want to retain the right to access the company’s information in MyTax, you should take the steps described below before the business activities end.

If you have the right to grant a mandate, i.e. the right to grant authorisations on behalf of the company:

  1. Go to and log in to the e-Authorizations service
  2. Grant a mandate for transactions to a person who needs it to manage the company’s business.

A person with a mandate for transactions can access the company’s information in MyTax, for example, even after the information has been removed from the Trade Register.

Example: The company’s managing director has acted on the company’s behalf in MyTax by logging in with their personal online banking codes and selecting ‘Acting on behalf of a company’. The managing director goes to and grants themselves a mandate for transactions before the company is removed from the Trade Register. On account of this, they can manage the company’s taxes in MyTax even after the information on the company’s representative has been removed from the Trade Register.

Any authorisations your company has granted will remain in force even after you have submitted a notification of termination of business to the Trade Register. After the termination of business, however, the company cannot grant new authorisations in the service or use the e-services by itself, because the right to use e-services requires that the name of the company’s representative is in the Trade Register. However, a party who has previously been granted an authorisation can continue to take care of the company’s matters.

Example: A limited company has granted an authorisation to an accounting firm. When the limited company’s business activities end, the company’s managing director can no longer change the company’s authorisations. However, the accounting firm can continue to act on behalf of the limited company.

In a case like this, a person who has had the right to represent the company can request an authorisation on The type of authorisation to select in the request is ‘mandate for transactions’.

Page last updated 10/4/2024