How to request a refund of car tax based on disability in MyTax

  1. MyTax opens on the Your tax types tab. Select the Tax matters tab.

  2. Go to the Tax matters tab and then click the Refunds of car tax link under Requests for refund.

  3. Click the Request for refund of car tax based on disability link.

  4. Please check that the information on Basic details is correct. If necessary, you can change the Contact information of the person who can provide further information and change the Address where the decision should be sent.

  5. After you have completed and sent this request, you can move on to the MyTax page where you can inform the Tax Administration of your bank account number if you have not submitted the account number previously.

    Select Yes if you have received an advance ruling on refund of car tax, based on disability. Enter the decision number. Press the Next button to proseed to the following stage, Application details.

  6. First fill in the Vehicle information, then select Grounds for request and Driver of vehile.

  7. Select the Reason for vehicle use. Press the Add file button to add enclosures. Press the Next button to proseed to the following stage, Preview and send.

  8. Please check that your Basic details are correct. Click Edit or Previous to make any corrections.

  9. Please check that all the Application details are correct. You can select Save as unfinished if you want to come back later to complete the request form. Your entries are kept saved for 3 months. The Tax Administration will not process the data before you have submitted it. When everything is correct, click Submit.

You can follow the processing of your request in MyTax

Go to the Communication tab and then click the View the processing status link under Status of returns and requests.

Page last updated 4/5/2024