Shadow economy and economic crime phenomena
Current shadow economy and financial crime phenomena are described by combining information and findings obtained from several authorities. This information is used to generate an up-to-date overview of major shadow economy phenomena in society or their risks. The overview supports decision making and also provides private individuals and companies with more information about current phenomena.
Read more on the “Phenomena” page.

Situational picture
The situation picture presents an overview of findings made by the authorities in the environment of the shadow economy and financial crime. The situational picture is updated annually.

Professionals enablers
The role of a professional enabler may vary from passive enabling to serving as an active helper. Cases usually involve trained professionals who provide advice on ways to evade or avoid taxes.

Identity frauds
Identity frauds are materialised as registrations in official registers using false personal data and the use of stolen identities in fraud offences.

East-west trade
This phenomenon usually consists of imports and exports between Finland and Russia, and is currently materialised through the circumvention of sanctions.

Public procurements and grants
Shadow economy operators seek to win bidding processes at low prices that do not cover statutory taxes and fees. Public grants are applied for on false grounds or used contrary to their intended purpose.

This phenomenon involves secret agreements between companies to restrict competition, including forbidden price cartels. As a result, prices increase to the detriment of customers.

Corruption means the misuse of authority for personal gain. Corruption is usually materialised through the giving and receiving of unethical benefits, conflicts of interest and favouritism. Bribery is one of its forms.

Consumer products
This phenomenon consists of falsifying the origin of products for imports, marketing and sales, tax and other fraud related to imports, and subscription traps associated with distance selling.

Undeclared work
This phenomenon typically concerns the payment of compensation for work in cash without any intention to declare or pay taxes or other employer contributions.

New ways of working
There is an ongoing shift from work performed as salaried employees to various forms of self-employment. The foreign labour force is growing, and the ways of labour exploitation are diversifying.

Virtual currencies
This phenomenon concerns digital currencies based on blockchains, the anonymity of which is exploited in criminal exchange and money laundering.

Fraud using companies
Companies are used as tools in fraud. Other phenomena include professional assistants, the acquisition of a company on the verge of bankruptcy anonymously, and business activities outside registers.