The self-employed and other individual taxpayers – requests by phone and on paper forms
Minimum amount to pay as an additional prepayment is €170.00. Lower shortfall amounts must be covered in the form of a back tax when the year’s assessment of the taxpayer’s taxes is completed.
You wish to call our service number
- The number to call is 029 497 000 /Tax cards and prepayments (standard call rates, limited service in English).
- You can request an additional-prepayment calculation and pay the amount up to 31 January 2025. If you do that, you avoid having to pay interest.
- If the payment’s due date is a later date than 31 January, there will be interest for late payment added to it. Read more about late-payment interest with relief. Your request can be submitted and the payment made at any time up to the date when the Tax Administration completes your assessment for the 2024 tax year. Your tax decision for the 2024 tax year tells you the end date of your tax assessment. You will receive the decision in spring 2025.
You wish to use a paper form
- Fill in the form
- Application for tax card and tax prepayment (5010e) or
- if your income has consisted of capital gains, 9 Capital gain or capital loss (3013e).
- Please wait until you receive the Tax Administration’s decision containing a bank transfer form.
- Follow the instructions on the bank transfer form to pay the amount. The due date is generally three weeks from the day when the Tax Administration’s decision is dated.
- Note: When you send the paper form to the Tax Administration by 31 December 2024, we will send you a decision and the bank information for payment. The due date will be a date in January 2025. Allow enough time for postal delivery.
- On the condition that the due date for an additional prepayment you request is in January, you do not have to pay late payment interest with relief.
- If the payment’s due date is a later date than 31 January, there will be interest for late payment added to it. Read more about late-payment interest with relief. Your request can be submitted and the payment made at any time up to the date when the Tax Administration completes your assessment for the 2024 tax year. Your tax decision for the 2024 tax year tells you the end date of your tax assessment. You will receive the decision in spring 2025.
Page last updated 5/3/2024