How to make corrections to an excise duty return in MyTax
If there is an error in the excise duty return, correct it as soon as possible. All errors must be corrected even if they do not affect the tax amount.
Correct the error by filing a replacement return for the tax period that the error concerns. The new return fully replaces the earlier return. However, you can use the previous return’s information as a basis.
Also remember to pay any missing VAT if you originally filed too little tax.
Note: You cannot correct your tax return on the grounds that the amount of tax will change because of an excise duty refund. Excise duty refunds must always be claimed separately. In other words, you cannot file a refund on your excise duty return or deduct the amount of refund from the tax to be paid.
File a replacement report in the following way:
Log in to MyTax (opens in a new window). After you have logged in, do as follows:
Select the Your tax types
Select the excise duty to which you want to make corrections.
Click the appropriate link to fill in an excise duty return, for example File an excise duty return on alcohol.
Select the return of the tax period that you want to correct. For example, if your tax period is one month and you notice an error in the return for November 2024, select 30.11.2024 as the period.
Click the link File return.
The correction process has 3 stages. You can see the stages above your or your company’s name.
Stage Basic details:
Make the necessary corrections. You can also change the contact information of the person providing further information.
Stage Activity details:
Make the necessary corrections. Click Open specification to enter the details on the taxable and tax-exempt products.
Stage Preview and send:
Check that the details are correct. Finally, click Submit.