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Combating the grey economy

Tax Administration's operations are an important deterrent.

The new website Grey economy & economic crime provides summarised information on the grey economy and economic crime in Finland. The website is maintained through the cooperation of the authorities engaged in combating the grey economy.

Grey economy causes tax losses, has a demoralizing effect on taxpayers, and undermines the competitiveness of honest companies. Combating grey economy is one of the Tax Administration's top priorities.

Tax audits, campaigns as well as customer guidance and supervision are used for combating the grey economy. Enhanced anti-grey economy operations are carried out in sectors where higher tax risks are known to be present:  the hotel and restaurant business, the transports sector and the construction industry.  A number of tailored procedures have been developed for monitoring the different sectors in focus.  In addition, our cooperation with associations, federations, and representatives of such sectors is important for the safeguarding of tax revenues. The development of legal norms has also helped us in intervening with the problems of the sectors. 

The Tax Administration not only carries out tax audits in the field but also studies the grey economy and its effects systematically.  Our Grey Economy Information Unit, established 1 January 2011, promotes the combating of the grey economy by producing and disseminating information about it and about the combat against it.

Page last updated 4/17/2017