Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Text messages sent by the Tax Administration never contain links

The Tax Administration may send you a text message to remind you of a topical matter or to ask for your feedback on our services. Please note that the Tax Administration never sends text messages that contain links. 

Our text messages may remind you to

  • check a tax card’s income ceiling
  • file and pay VAT by the due dates.

We also send text messages to gather feedback on customer experience. For example, we may ask for feedback if you have called the Tax Administration or if we have called you.

See the matters on which we have sent text messages

Give your telephone number in MyTax

If you provide the Tax Administration with your personal or your company’s phone number in MyTax, we can send you text message reminders. If the Tax Administration has your phone number, it will also speed up the processing of your tax matters as we can reach you more easily in case we need more information for your tax return, for example.

  1. Go to MyTax.
  2. Log in to MyTax and then click the Your own details and logout link and then click Your own details.
  3. Enter your phone number in the Telephone section.
  4. Save the details.

The Tax Administration will not share your phone number with anyone.

How to tell if a message is an authentic message from the Tax Administration?

  • The sender’s name is Vero, Skatt, VeroSkatt or Vero Skatt. These names are on the Traficom’s register and they indicate that the sender is the Finnish Tax Administration.
  • The Tax Administration never asks for taxpayers’ credit card information or online banking codes. We do not need this information.
  • The Tax Administration never asks for your personal information, such as online banking codes, bank account details or personal identity code, via a text message.
  • Similarly, the Tax Administration never sends text messages or emails containing tax decisions or any information relating to tax decisions. This means that if you receive an email that appears to be a tax decision, it is a scam.
  • Another characteristic of a scam message is the presence of spelling and grammar mistakes. The messages may also have a messy appearance. However, this is not always the case.

Did you get a suspicious message?

There are scam messages in circulation that claim to be sent by the Tax Administration. Read more about scam messages and what to do if you get one.

Page last updated 1/29/2025