FAQ - Wage taxes and individual taxation

We recommend you to get yourself  a Finnish personal ID. Read more about personal ID.

If you have a business based outside Finland that pays wages to an employee working in Finland, you may have tax and social security-related employer obligations to fulfil. These obligations depend on whether or not your company is considered to have a permanent establishment in Finland. Even without a permanent establishment, there are some obligations if the employee is a Finnish tax resident.

Read more about obligations of a foreign employe.

When you come to Finland to work, your tax treatment depends on the length of your stay. The treatment also depends on the country of the employer, i.e. whether you work for a Finnish employer or for a foreign one. Additionally, special tax rules apply to certain professions and types of work.

Read more about the taxation when you are arriving in Finland to work.  

Yes, special tax rules apply to the employment of foreign citizens as key employees. As a key employee, you may be taxed at the 35-per-cent flat rate instead of the usual Finnish tax based on the progressive scale, even if you stay longer than 6 months.

Read more about the taxation of key employees.

The tax percentage calculator gives you an unofficial estimation of the amount of tax. 

Tax percentage calculator

Page last updated 10/21/2019