Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Did you pay your prepayment late?

If you pay after the due date, you must add late-payment interest to the tax. Late-payment interest is calculated from the day following the due date until the day of payment. In 2025, the late-payment interest is 11.5%.

You can see the exact amount of late-payment interest on your unpaid taxes in MyTax.

You can calculate the late-payment interest

Example: You did not pay your prepayment of €1,000 that fell due in June. When you make a prepayment of €1,000 on 23 July, the Tax Administration first uses the amount to cover the late-payment interest on the prepayment that fell due in June. The remaining amount is used for the June prepayment. The Tax Administration calculates late-payment interest on the remaining unpaid amount of the June prepayment and on the July prepayment as from 24 July.

Summary reminds you of your unpaid tax

The Tax Administration reminds you of your unpaid tax only in the tax summary. You can find the overdue tax in the summary. The late payment charges have been calculated up until the date stated in the summary. 

Summary – details of your unpaid taxes

Unpaid tax is transferred to enforcement authorities for recovery

If we have reminded you of unpaid taxes in the tax summary but you have not paid them by the due date indicated in the summary, we will transfer your tax debt to the enforcement authorities.

Before that, however, we will send you a summary informing you that enforcement proceedings are about to begin. To avoid recovery by enforcement, pay the tax by the due date stated in the summary where we inform you of enforcement.

When your tax has been transferred to enforcement

  • you must pay the tax in accordance with the instructions provided by the enforcement authorities
  • you must pay the enforcement fee to the enforcement agency even if you pay the tax to the Tax Administration’s bank account.
Page last updated 1/1/2025