How to request a Business ID and sign up for the Tax Administration’s registers in MyTax

If you are a private individual, you can establish a business name or an agricultural operation in MyTax. You will get your own Business ID and can sign up for the Tax Administration’s registers: the VAT register, the prepayment register and the register of employers.

Instructions for other company forms

How to use MyTax

  1. Go to the Taxpayer details tab and select Start business activities.

  2. First select if the company should be signed up for the VAT register, prepayment register and register of employers. Then proceed to the next stage, New details.

  3. Enter the company’s line of business by clicking the link Select line of business. Also enter the company’s accounting method, accounting period and start date of activities.

  4. If you signed the company up for the VAT register, prepayment register or register of employers, enter here any additional details required. Finally, you can select whether you want your address to be published in the Business Information System service ( When you have filled in all the necessary details, proceed to Summary.

  5. Recheck the details. Click Edit to make corrections.

  6. When all the details are correct, submit the application.

  7. You will receive a letter in MyTax when the company has been registered. When you log in to MyTax, you will see the Business ID under your name on the Taxpayer details tab.

Page last updated 11/24/2020