Payment of taxes – prepayment and tax card

When you set up a new business, you need to estimate the income and expenses of the business, as well as any operating profit. You have to pay taxes in advance based on the estimate you have provided.

Request prepayments

  1. Estimate the taxable income of your business operation.
  2. Request prepayments, and we will send you a prepayment decision and bank transfer forms.
  3. Keep an eye on your actual income and expenses during the year to see how well the estimate matches your actual figures. If it seems your income will be lower or higher than the estimate, request a change to your prepayment.

Request prepayments in MyTax.

The amount of prepayments imposed on a self-employed individual depends not only on the taxable profit from business activities, but also on the individual's entire income during the tax year, including wage income and any start-up grant.

If your business is usually seasonal (for instance, if you run a summer kiosk or work as a skiing instructor), you can request prepayments only for the months when you are earning income.

If you operate a small-scale business, your earned income and capital income from business may affect the tax rate on your tax card. In that case, change your tax card details in MyTax.

Request prepayments in MyTax.

The prepayment amount for partners in general or limited partnerships depends not only on business income, but also on all other income, such as wages and start-up grants.

Partners must make prepayments on their profit share from the general or limited partnership.

Request prepayments in MyTax.

You can also request prepayments through the and Apitamo/ApitamoPKI-interface.

Limited-liability companies and cooperatives pay 20% tax on their taxable income.

Non-profit associations and foundations are liable to pay tax on their business income. The tax rate on business income is 20%.

If an association or foundation does not operate on a non-profit basis, it must pay 20% tax on all its taxable income.

How often is the prepayment made?

The Tax Administration notifies you of the number of instalments and their amount based on the taxable income you have reported for the first accounting period. You can change your prepayment instalments in MyTax.

For example, if instalments have been allocated to certain months but you would like to make prepayments evenly every month, you can change the instalments yourself. The selection remains in effect until further notice. In other words, any future prepayment instalments will be split into equal-sized monthly instalments. 

The general due date for prepayments is the 23rd of each month.

More information on instalments and amounts of prepayments

Read more about tax prepayment

Watch videos for new entrepreneurs

Watch the videos for information on how to establish a company, make prepayments, pay VAT and act as an employer. Subtitles are available in English.

See the instruction videos for new entrepreneurs

Page last updated 11/27/2023