CESOP: The information-reporting requirement of payment service providers on cross-border payments

This page contains an overview of the payment service providers’ information-reporting requirement.


  • New schema version 4.03 will be introduced on 25 March 2025

    The European Commission has announced that the schema will be updated to version XSD 4.03, the XSD User Guide to version 5.0 and the Validation Module to version 1.6. The Tax Administration will adopt the new schema in Q1/2025. This means that the CESOP returns due on 30 April 2025 must be submitted by using version XSD 4.03. The schema will be introduced on 25 March 2025. The Tax Administration's system supports only one schema at a time, and you can submit reports only by using the supported version. Corrections must also be submitted by using the schema supported at that time, regardless of the schema that was used when the original report was submitted.

  • The Commission has provided clarification and guidelines regarding the reporting of multiple transactions for the same payee: Additional Clarification on the CESOP Reporting Guidelines. Previous reports do not need to be corrected.
  • If you have any questions concerning CESOP, please send email to: cesop(a)vero.fi

Guidance for foreign PSPs

Payment service providers must submit information to the Finnish Tax Administration on the payment services they provide in Finland. The obligation to provide information concerns cross-border payments, i.e. payments where the payer is located in an EU Member State and the payee is either in another EU Member State or outside the EU.

CESOP reporting

CESOP reports are submitted as a software file based on the CESOP XML Schema, in the Ilmoitin.fi website or through the API interface. When a report has been submitted, the payment service provider receives a response indicating whether the report complies with the requirements. If the report was insufficient, it must be resubmitted. The response indicates what part of the report needs to be corrected. 

Finnish Business ID for CESOP reporting

If a foreign company needs a Finnish Business ID, they must apply for it by filling in a start-up notification Y1 and appendix form 6204 and submitting a foreign trade register extract or an equivalent document to the Finnish Tax Administration.

How to submit CESOP reports in the Ilmoitin.fi service

Step-by-step instructions on how to submit CESOP reports in the Ilmoitin.fi service.

Page last updated 1/15/2025