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What are the Vero API interfaces

Vero API is an interface service provided by the Tax administration, that allows software companies, accounting offices and other service providers to report or retrieve taxation-related information in real-time. API or Application Programming Interface is a programming interface between two different software or systems. Vero API interfaces are developed in Tax Administration for variety of uses cases in taxation, that have been identified to make managing of tax affairs easier and faster and to also help reduce the burden of administrative work for different parties, such as: tax liable companies and individual customers, organizations who are acting on behalf of another parties or accounting offices.

There are more than 70 different Vero API interfaces currently in production and they are used in different areas of taxation and other purposes related to taxation. The interfaces are divided into two main categories: submitting information and retrieving information. The Tax administration designs, develops and releases new Vero API interfaces according to new identified needs of taxation and customers. New interfaces are always released to the sandbox first. Users interested in interfaces will be able to explore new interfaces in the sandbox as they are being developed. Technical documentation of the interfaces is released to API portal, once the interface is released into production use. A software company can develop the integration for the interface using the documentation’s instructions. Use of the interfaces do not cost anything, but the software company must develop the integration for the Vero API interface for their own software by themself. In addition, the software’s development work, solutions and development costs belong to the software company themself.

For whom the interfaces are meant for and what are the benefits of using them?

The Vero API interface service is intended for software providers and other service providers who do their own software development. The interfaces can be integrated to various user software, such as: accounting-, payroll- or ERP-software. For example: processes can be built in the same software where the necessary tax filing or data retrieving processes are automated using the Vero API interfaces and the use of the interfaces is integrated as an integral part of the software’s other functions, such as accounting functions. This approach can significantly improve the efficiency of managing tax affairs by integrating the organization's own activities with tax management in the software and ensuring a seamless flow of tax information between the software and the Tax Administration’s own system. This procedure is particularly useful for organizations that manage tax affairs on behalf of other organizations or individuals as authorized representatives. These organizations do not need to do as much manual work or log into Omavero as an authorized representative on behalf of each customer separately.

For example: an accounting or payroll software develops and integrates the Witholding Percentage Request -interface, which enables the software user to request all the latest tax cards for their employees directly from Tax administration’s own system. The same accounting software can use the Letter request interfaces. With these interfaces the software’s user can retrieve the latest letters of their customers which have arrived from the Tax Administration and they can react to those letters immediately. The accounting or payroll office doesn’t have to request and collect the tax cards of their employees manually and they don’t have to log into Omavero as authorized representative to manage the customer’s tax affairs.

The purpose of the Vero API interfaces is to make managing of tax affairs as efficient, easy to use and as automated as possible for the end user. The actual end user can be, for example: a tax liable company or an individual customer, whose tax affairs are being managed with use of the interface integration. The software company or service provider can develop and improve their own software and their services by deploying different Vero API interfaces which best suit their line of business and are most useful for them.

If you do not make your own software development, contact your software provider to get the necessary interfaces for the software you are using in your business.

These Vero API pages will provide you all the information you need to start using the interfaces as conveniently as possible.

Page last updated 2/7/2024