
ApitamoPKI is the Tax Administration’s interface offered to users with large-scale data submission needs. ApitamoPKI handles massive batches of data at once. However, it does not work in real time, so it does not return immediate answers to request files. If you are a corporate taxpayer with real-time needs for responses, the Vero API might be a more suitable interface for you.

ApitamoPKI is designed for commercial software vendors and other service providers that are able to develop their own software. If you have no software development activity, please contact your software vendor to receive access to ApitamoPKI’s service.

You can send the following types of tax returns through ApitamoPKI:

  • Annual information returns
  • Tax returns for self-assessed taxes
  • Income tax returns
  • Notices to the Social Insurance Institution (Kela)
  • Other returns
  • Reports related to the construction sector

In addition, you can send the following request and answer files through ApitamoPKI:

  • Direct-transfer filings
  • Request files for Tax Numbers 
  • Other information flows that contain enquiries

For more information, including lists of available return formats, the roles of filers, required authorisations for submittals, see the Ilmoitin.fi website.

How do I get started?

Stage 1: Test and develop

Instructions for testing

Stage 2: Moving to production

Instructions for moving on to production

Technical guidance

Technical guidance

ApitamoPKI’s technical guidance gives you more information on the service offered by the interface and on its technology. The guidance also contains the source code and Instructions for Use for the ApitamoPKIClient model for reference.

Maintenance breaks and disruptions

On the Maintenance breaks and disruptions page you can check the planned maintenance breaks or other exceptional situations that may affect the Tax Administration’s e-services and customer service.

Contact us

If you have any general comments, technical observations or problems concerning the e-service or the interface, you can fill out the Contact form to let us know.

Page last updated 9/23/2024