The Tax Administration’s certificate service
The Tax Administration is developing a certificate service for managing interfaces and certificates electronically.
You need a certificate if you want to submit or retrieve data through APIs.
Certificates are used to identify and authenticate the organisations that use an interface to report or retrieve data. They are also used to verify the integrity of records. The solution is based on digital certificates (Public Key Infrastructure).
Schedule for introduction of the new e-service
Introduction of the new e-service will be carried out in two phases:
- The production certificates section will be opened for users of the Tax Administration’s, the Incomes Register’s, and the Positive Credit Register’s interface on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 9 AM.
- The test certificates section will be opened later (the schedule will be updated).
The new service will not affect the existing and currently valid certificates. All existing certificates remain functional throughout their validity period.
Read more about the changes in our news: The Finnish Tax Administration’s certificate service will help you manage certificates
Requesting a certificate
Certificates for the interfaces of the Tax Administration and the Incomes Register are requested until October 8 via the Incomes Register’s e-service:
Read the instructions for renewing your certificate
When the e-service of the Tax Administration's certificate service is in operation, interfaces and certificates can no longer be managed in the Incomes Register’s e-service.
To request testing certificates for the Tax Administration’s and the Incomes Register’s interfaces, follow the specific instructions of the services concerned: