How to search the public information on income taxes and real estate taxes

Public information can be browsed at tax offices and requested by telephone


Browsing data on tax office workstations

You can browse the public information on tax assessment in almost all Tax Administration offices. Tax office workstations can access public information on regular tax assessment from tax year 2009 onwards and information on changes to tax assessment from tax year 2022 onwards. The workstations are available during the opening hours of each tax office.

Addresses of tax offices, opening hours

Please note that the information accessed on tax office workstations cannot be printed out, copied, emailed, or saved on flash drives or other such devices. However, you can make notes when using the workstation. Because the information accessed is public, you can view it without authentication and your browsing history is not recorded.

Searching for data with the Julkis software

These instructions apply to information concering both regular tax assessment and tax adjustment.

Individual taxpayers

In the public information on individual income taxes, public identifying information includes the individual’s name, year of birth, and county. An individual’s county is the county in which the individual’s municipality of domicile was at the end of the year before the tax year.

Death estates with a Business ID are not identified by the year of birth.

Non-resident taxpayers, i.e. individuals who are considered to live outside Finland according to the act on income tax (Tuloverolaki 1535/1992), are listed under the county of the Tax Administration unit that conducted the individual’s tax assessment (Uusimaa or Åland Islands).

Search fields and searching

When searching for information on a specific taxpayer, you must specify the tax year, the county and the name.

Tax year

Information from regular tax assessment: select tax year 2009–2022 from the list.

Information from tax adjustment: Changes to tax assessment for tax year 2022 that were finalised by the end of August 2024 are published in September 2024. In future, changes to tax assessment will be made public after the 20th day of the month following the month in which the change was made. Adjusted tax information for 2023 will be published starting in the end of November 2024.


Select from the list the county in which the individual’s municipality of domicile was at the end of the year before the tax year.

See the list of municipalities and counties on (available in Finnish and Swedish, link to Finnish) or find the list under individual taxation in the Julkis software.


In the “name” search field, enter at least the first three letters of the last name.

If the last name has fewer than three letters, enter the last name in full and a space.
If the last name includes a prefix, such as “von” or “af”, enter it in front of the name.

The name may contain special characters, such as á, é or ü. See instructions for adding special characters: Special characters

Year of birth

In the “year of birth” field, enter the year as four digits.

Read more about the contents of the public information: Public information on individual income taxes

Corporate taxpayers

In the public information on corporate taxpayers, corporate entities are identified by the entity’s Business ID. You can find any corporate entity’s Business ID in the Business Information System: Company and organisation search (

Tax year

Information from regular tax assessment: select tax year 2009–2022 from the list.

Information from tax adjustment: Changes to tax assessment for tax year 2022 that were finalised by the end of August 2024 are published in September 2024. In future, changes to tax assessment will be made public after the 20th day of the month following the month in which the change was made. Adjusted tax information for 2023 will be published starting in the end of November 2024.

Search field

Enter the company’s Business ID in full in the search field.
For example, if you are searching for information on Company X, enter 1234567-8 in the field.

Read more about the contents of the public information: Public information on the income taxes of corporate taxpayers

Foreign death estates

Foreign death estates are identified by the name of the deceased person.

Tax year

Information from regular tax assessment: select tax year 2009–2022 from the list.

Information from tax adjustment: Changes to tax assessment for tax year 2022 that were finalised by the end of August 2024 are published in September 2024. In future, changes to tax assessment will be made public after the 20th day of the month following the month in which the change was made. Adjusted tax information for 2023 will be published starting in the end of November 2024.

Search field

In the “name” search field, enter at least the first three letters of the last name.

If the last name has fewer than three letters, enter the last name in full and a space.
If the last name includes a prefix, such as “von” or “af”, enter it in front of the name.

The name may contain special characters, such as á, é or ü. See instructions for adding special characters: Special characters

A foreign death estate does not have a home municipality. The tax assessment of a foreign estate is conducted by the Tax Administration unit assigned for it. However, the information on where the assessment was conducted is not public information.

Year of birth / Business ID

Foreign death estates are identified either by the deceased person’s year of birth or by the Business ID assigned to the estate.

If you cannot find the person when searching by name and year of birth, try searching by name only.

Read more about the contents of the public information: Public information on the income taxes of corporate taxpayers

Real estate taxes

In the public information on real estate taxes, real estate units are identified by the property identifier. You cannot search for real estate tax information with the name of the party liable for the tax.

You can check the property identifier in the National Land Survey’s e-service: Find property identifier (National Land Survey)

Information concerning tax adjustments on real estate taxes will not be published at customer terminals. It can be requested from the Finnish Tax Administration’s customer service using the property identifier.

Tax year

Information from regular tax assessment: select tax year 2011–2023 from the list.

Information from tax adjustment: Changes to tax assessment for tax year 2023 that were finalised by the end of August 2024 are published in September 2024. In future, changes to tax assessment will be made public after the 20th day of the month following the month in which the change was made. Adjusted tax information for 2024 will be published starting in the end of November 2024.

Property identifier

The property identifier consists of four series of digits. Enter the property identifier in the search field in the following format: 3 digits - 3 digits - 4 digits - 4 digits
Example: 123-123-1234-1234. The numbers can be entered without the first zero.

All information recorded in the real estate register is public. For more information, see the National Land survey’s website (Find property identifier (National Land Survey)

A parcel of land is identified by the property identifier, type identifier and parcel code in the following format:
Property identifier (see above) - M (type identifier) - parcel code (4 digits)
Example: 123-123-1234-1234 M 1234. The type identifier for the parcel of land is pre-completed in the search field. The numbers can be entered without the first zero.

You can search the public information on real estate taxes in the service in the following ways:

  1. using the first three numbers of the property identifier (municipality code that does not change even if the municipality of location changes). More information on municipalities: Statistics Finland – Classifications – Municipalities
  2. using the first six numbers of the property identifier
  3. using the first ten numbers of the property identifier
  4. using the property identifier in full
  5. using the property identifier and parcel code (the property identifier in full followed by the parcel code)

Read more about the contents of the public information: Public information on real estate taxes

Requesting data from the Tax Administration’s customer service

You can request data included in the public information by calling the following numbers:

  • Public information on individual income taxes: 029 497 002 (individual tax returns)
  • Public information on corporate income taxes: 029 497 006 (corporate income tax)
  • Public information on real estate taxes: 029 497 020 (real estate tax)

The public information may contain personal data, which means that printed extracts can be provided only for accepted purposes of use. If you have the right to request an extract from the public information, contact the Tax Administration’s customer services. Extracts are subject to a fee. See the list of fees charged by the Tax Administration: List of fees charged for certain Tax Administration services (, available in Finnish and Swedish, link to Finnish)

Page last updated 9/10/2024