Public information on individual income taxes
Information regarding the completed income-tax assessment for the 2022 tax year will be released 8 November 2023.
The following facts and information on individual taxpayers’ income tax are included:
- Name, date of birth, name of the county where domiciled
- Amounts of earned income and capital income subject to State tax
- Amount of income subject to municipal tax
- The assessed income tax
- The assessed municipal tax
- The imposed sum of taxes and charges in total
- The total amount of taxes pre-paid by/withheld from the taxpayer
- The taxpayer’s balance of back taxes or tax refund for 2020
Public income tax information does not say everything about the actual income of private individuals. For example, it does not include tax-exempt benefits and dividends, nor deductions made from income.
Information will be public as it is on the day the tax assessment process is completed
The list of facts and information is from the day when the tax assessment process was completed. If the assessment changes later because of an appeal or tax readjustment, for example, the changed information is currently not public.
However, any changes made to individual income taxation after the completion of tax assessment will be public as of tax year 2022. Amended tax information regarding tax year 2022 will be published in September 2024. In future, amended tax information will be published after the 20th day of the month following the month in which the change was made.
None of the public information is on the website
The public information on individual income taxes falls under the category of personal data by definition of law. Present law lays down a number of restrictions on how personal data can be released, and this means that it is not possible to put up the public income-tax data on the web. Accordingly, we only provide electronic access to the information at tax offices, not over the Internet.
Public information can be requested by telephone and browsed at tax offices
Our telephone service answers to questions on publicly released tax data on individual income taxes: 029 497 002 (in Finnish) and 029 497 003 (in Swedish).
Besides that, public income-tax data are available for browsing at most Tax Administration offices. As a user of the workstations at tax offices, you can see income-tax data onwards of the 2009 taxable year.
The workstations are free for visitors to use during the opening hours of each tax office.
Addresses of tax offices, opening hours
Typically, after its annual release, the previous year’s tax information is a breaking-news topic in the headlines for a couple of weeks. This means that some line-ups at tax office workstations may occur. If you have no immediate need to search the data when it gets released, we recommend that you select a later date for visiting a tax office.
The search engine restricts the parameters and terms to the individual taxpayers’ name, date of birth, and the name of the Finnish country where they live. When you perform a search, the minimum information to type in is the name of the county and the 3 first letters of the person’s last name.
List of Finnish municipalities and the counties they belong to, tax year 2022 (in Finnish)
If you visit the tax office, you cannot print out or copy-paste any data into a data carrier device. Instead, you can browse the information and write notes when you use a workstation. However, the Tax Administration can provide printed extracts and other data printouts on order, against a charge. The extracts cost €15 each.
Because the information at the tax office is subject to public release, there is no sign-in or login process. No records are kept regarding your workstation use or on how often you come back to look up public data.
You cannot remove your data from public information
Public information on income taxation is subject to public release under the law. This means that the Tax Administration has a legal obligation to make available the public income tax data of all individual taxpayers residing in Finland, and to provide information about it. Because of this, the Tax Administration cannot remove any taxpayer’s data from the public information. Taxpayers who live permanently abroad are usually not included in the public data.
The Tax Administration shares public information about individual taxpayers’ tax assessment with the media for journalistic purposes every year. The information is provided in electronic format. In 2019–2022, taxpayers were able to oppose the disclosure of their data to the media under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). According to the Supreme Administrative Court’s ruling in December 2022, this is no longer possible: Supreme Administrative Court: Taxpayers do not have the right to oppose electronic disclosure of their tax information to the media – (available in Finnish and Swedish, link to Finnish)