Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams

How to request entry in the Tax Administration’s registers in MyTax

  1. Go to the MyTax Taxpayer details tab, and select Change register information. Alternatively, click on the Tax matters tab on MyTax home page, select Registrations and authorisations — Making changes to information in VAT register, prepayment register and register of employers.

    Please note that your company or organisation must have a Business ID before you can change the register information.

  2. Select the registers where you request entry. Indicate each one of the registers you want to enter. Click Next at the bottom to go to next page.

  3. Fill in the detailed information regarding the changes.

  4. Add the required enclosures as well.

  5. You will see a summary on the following page and you can still edit your entries as necessary. When you have checked everything you can submit the form.

Page last updated 11/21/2023