Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

How to submit price details for new vehicles

The vehicle importer or manufacturer must provide the Tax Administration with the information that is the importer, manufacturer or its representative uses when the vehicles are advertised for sale on the public market in Finland. Details on prices must be provided using the price code selected by the filer and with the accuracy of the model used in the identification of the vehicle and in its general marketing.

In addition, the Tax Administration must be notified if the price changes or if the model in question is no longer for sale.

When to report the price details

Submit the price details to the Tax Administration within 30 days from when the sales or marketing of the vehicle model starts or its price changes. Also enter the date when the price is no longer valid, if you know it. If the deadline date is on a holiday or weekend, the notification can be submitted on the next business day.

How to report the price details

You can submit the price notification via Vero API or in MyTax. Read more about how to grant an authorisation for e-filing. You will need a certificate for Vero API. Read more about the certificate service.

You can submit the price notification in MyTax only if you have a Business ID.

Are you reporting late?

If you submit your price notification late, you may have to pay a negligence penalty. Read more about negligence penalties (available in Finnish and Swedish, link to Finnish).

How to correct price information

If you correct a price line that was valid in the past, any later periods reported with the same price code and all their data will be removed. Submit all such price lines again.

Instructions for completing the price notification

If you are an importer or a manufacturer, follow these instructions to submit a price notification on new vehicle models.

Submit the notification via Vero API or in MyTax

You can submit price details on new vehicles via Vero API.

The data system that is sending the notification via the API is identified by a certificate granted by the Tax Administration. If you already have a certificate for other channels, such as or the Incomes Register’s Web Services channel, you can use the same certificate to submit price details.

Read more about the certificate in the certificate service’s instructions. also has instructions on how to get a certificate for the test environment.

How to submit the price notification via Vero API: See the technical guidance and content requirements for submitting price details via the API.

In MyTax, you can submit details on each vehicle one by one or upload the price details of new vehicles as one CSV file. You can save the notification as unfinished by clicking “Save as unfinished”.

  1. Log in to MyTax
  2. Go to the Tax matters tab.
  3. Click the Activities relating to car tax link under Car tax.
  4. Go to Price details and select Price notification.
  5. In the Basic details stage, go to Filing method for price details and select how you are going to report the details: One by one. Then click Next.

Add details for each model separately by clicking Add price.

Instructions for completing the notification

Make and model

Report the vehicle’s make and model.

If the right make or model is not listed, select Other and fill it in.

Model specifier

Report the model specifier, if available. If the model is available in multiple lengths or heights, also report the vehicle’s length or height here.

Level of equipment

If the vehicle has a specified equipment level or equipment package, state what it is called.

Select whether the vehicle has a specified equipment level or package (Yes/No). If the vehicle has a specified level of equipment, state what it is called.

Price code

Report the price code that you use to identify the vehicle model in your own price list.


Enter the vehicle’s recommended retail price without car tax but including VAT.

Validity of price

Enter the date when the price becomes valid. Also enter the date after which the price is no longer valid, if you know it.

After you have entered all the required information, click “OK”.

You can see the price details you have added in the “Price details to be filed” table.

If there are errors in the price details, you will receive an error message with an orange background. You can also see an orange exclamation mark next to the price code in question.

The errors must be corrected before the filing can proceed. If you want to edit or delete a price, open it by clicking on the price code. Make the necessary corrections or click “Delete information” to delete the price.

Click “Copy” to copy price details that you have already entered. Click on the price code to edit price details.

After the vehicle details have been added, click “Next” to proceed to the third stage, “Preview and send”.

The file must be in CSV format (*.csv).  For example, you can save your file as CSV in Excel. If the file you are going to upload is not an Excel file, please make sure to use semicolons (;) for separator characters between data elements.

You must specify the data in the order given in the example file below.

Example file:

Example file in the table
Data element Mandatory Voluntary Data type (maximum number of characters)
Vehicle price code x   Unique code determined by the company
Alphanumeric code that can contain numbers and letters.
The code’s maximum length is 255 characters.
Recommended retail price of vehicle x   Data element must be an integer without decimal places / + 2 decimal places
Start date of price validity x   The date must be formatted as follows:
Vehicle make x   Data element can contain numbers and letters.
The data element’s maximum length is 255 characters.
Vehicle model x   Data element can contain numbers and letters.
The data element’s maximum length is 255 characters.
Name of vehicle’s level of equipment   x Data element can contain numbers and letters.
The data element’s maximum length is 255 characters.
Vehicle model specifier   x Data element can contain numbers and letters.
The data element’s maximum length is 255 characters.
Price valid until   x The date must be formatted as follows:
  1. Log in to MyTax
  2. Go to the Tax matters tab.
  3. Click the Activities relating to car tax link under Car tax.
  4. Go to Price details and select Price notification.
  5. In the Basic details stage, go to Filing method for price details and select how you are going to report the details: As a file.

Add a file by clicking Add file.

  • Give a description for the attachment and click Select file to select the attachment file from your computer.
  • Click Save. The table will be uploaded to MyTax.
  • After the CSV file has been successfully uploaded, you will see a File uploaded successfully message with a green background.
  • Click Remove file if you want to delete the file you have uploaded.

You can only add one attachment to the notification.

Error messages

If you try to upload a CSV file that has an incorrect number of columns, the system will prevent you from uploading it.

If the file is not in the CSV format, the system will also prevent you from uploading it.

You can see the price details you have added in the “Price details to be filed” table.

If there are errors in the price details, you will receive an error message with an orange background. You can also see an orange exclamation mark next to the price code in question.

The errors must be corrected before you can proceed with the filing. If you want to edit or delete a price, open it by clicking on the price code. Make the necessary corrections or click “Delete information” to delete the price.


You must provide price lists for the vehicle’s accessories if the Tax Administration requests them.

Page last updated 4/5/2024