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Specifications - Return for self-assessed taxes and VAT Recapitulative Statement 1.1.2017

This specification and its requirements of file formatting come into force on 1 January 2017.

Corrections to self-assessment, corrections to VAT Recap Statements (pdf)


Filing name Specification /year (pdf) Form Instructions for filling out the form
VAT (VSRALVKV) Comes into effect 29 Aug 2024
Effective from 1 Jan 2017 (date when last changed: 26 March 2019)


4001 Filing and paying VAT and other self-assessed taxes ‒ detailed guidance
Employer's contributions and payroll details (VSRTASKV) Comes into effect 1 Jan 2021
Effective from 1 Jan 2017
4001 Filing and paying VAT and other self-assessed taxes ‒ detailed guidance
Other (VSRMUUKV) Comes into effect 24.11.2020 (04.11.2020)
Effective from 1 Jan 2017
4001 Filing and paying VAT and other self-assessed taxes ‒ detailed guidance
VAT Recapitulative Statement
Effective from 1 Jan 2017 (date when last changed: 29 Sep 2021) 9633

How to submit the VAT EU Recapitulative Statement; how to submit corrections
The call-off report to be enclosed with the vat eu recapitulative statement (VSRALVCO) Effective from 1 Jan 2020 9634 Transfer of goods to call-off stocks, instructions for filling in the form

Value-added taxation on imported goods

Effective from 5 Nov 2022 (27 Oct 2022)


For more information and for back issues of data specifications concerning earlier tax years, send e-mail to ohjelmistotalot(a)

Page last updated 6/3/2024