Signing up to test the requesting of data has started


The testing of the requesting of data begins on 1 September 2023. The sign-up period of 1 August–31 August 2023 is for such operators of the register’s first rollout stage that will test only the requesting of data or have not signed up yet. You can also still sign up to test the reporting of data.

The sign-up takes place in the Enter portal. The instructions on the use of the Enter portal provide detailed guidance on how to use the portal.

The Start package for testing will be sent to the master user, and the information needed to retrieve a testing certificate will be sent to the technical contact person within two weeks from the start notification. 

Organisations that have already signed up to test the requesting of data

Organisations that signed up to test both the reporting and the requesting of data in the spring do not need to sign up separately to test the requesting of data in August. In order to test the requesting of data, stakeholders must retrieve separate testing certificates. The information needed to retrieve a testing certificate will be sent to stakeholders that signed up for testing in the spring between 7 August and 18 August 2023.


The API address for requesting a credit register extract in the testing environment will be released on the Stakeholder testing page in August.

The project to establish a positive credit register will hold stakeholder events in autumn 2023. Read more: Stakeholder events about testing and data reporting in autumn 2023 (

Page last updated 8/1/2023