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How to file and pay VAT special scheme returns in MyTax

Log in to MyTax (opens in a new window).

  1. You are on the tab Your tax types, where you can see the VAT special schemes for which you are registered. Go to the relevant special scheme and click File VAT Special Scheme return.

  2. Click on File return for the period for which you want to file. Accordingly, if the tax period is from 1 July to 30 September, select period 30.9.2023.

  3. You are now in Basic details, the first stage.

    • If your business had no sales during the tax period, and you are not making corrections to a previous return (you are submitting a zero return), answer “No" to "Are you filing sales relating to the VAT special scheme?" If your VAT return is a zero VAT return, you can move on to Preview and send.
    • Select the Filing method. If you type the sales and the VAT country-by-country, go to the next stage. The stage is called Sales from Finland in the Union scheme. The stage is called Details on sales in the other special schemes.
  4. Fill in the sales and the VAT under Sales from Finland on your Union-scheme VAT return country by country. (Or under Details on sales if your VAT return concerns another special scheme.)

  5. If your VAT return is for the Union scheme, the next stage is called Sales from other EU countries.

    • Fill in your sales of services from a fixed VAT establishment located in another EU country, and your sales of goods from another EU country.
  6. In all special schemes, the next stage is called Corrections to details. You can make corrections to previously submitted returns as necessary.

  7. Go to Preview and send.

    • Please re-check your input, especially the amount of VAT to pay. The amount of VAT you pay must be exactly the same as the amount you file. You must pay the filed VAT even though you had filed too much VAT by mistake.

    If needed, you can still make corrections. Use the Edit button. When you have made sure the VAT return is correct, click on Submit.

Page last updated 6/30/2023