News for software developers – 3/2024

News, 6/4/2024

New version of to be launched on 4 June 2024

From 7 am to 9 am on 4 June, the service is down and both the website and its software interfaces are temporarily unavailable.

Key changes:

  • CESOP:
    • Changes to check routines:
      • DocRefId has been added to some error messages to make it easier to find the error.
      • An error in the processing of AccountIdentifier has been corrected: If Representative has been entered, AccountIdentifier is entered blank (moved to production 29 April)
      • Check routine "#Representative may not be the same as PSPId (30010)" has been removed (moved to production 29 April)
    • Note also that Timestamp cannot be in the future:
      • The timestamp can be of any time zone, as long as the time zone is specified.
        • Finnish standard time in format: 2024-01-17T09:30:45.123+02:00
        • Finnish daylight saving time in format: 2024-01-17T09:30:45.123+03:00
        • UTC 0 time: 2024-01-17T09:30:45.123Z
      • The CESOP system validates the TimeStamp element against the Greenwich time (UTC 0), and CESOP returns validation Fully rejected if it interprets the timestamp to be in the future.
  • Changes to DPI (DAC7) check routines:
    • OECD0 DocTypeIndic entered for docRefId may not be a value that has been corrected previously.
    • No GVS structure may be entered.
    • The issuedBy attribute must be entered in the OrganisationPartyType IN element when the IN identifier is entered.
    • If the value entered in the AssumedReporting element is True, the Ilmoitin service will check that the AssumingPlatformOperator structure has been entered.
    • DocRefId has been added to some error messages to make it easier to find the error.

News about Vero API

The new interfaces for reporting beverage packaging and soft drink tax have been opened on May 24, 2024.
In addition, the Tax Administration is building new interfaces for declaring alcohol tax and electricity tax. The target schedule for the alcohol tax is in the fall (August 30) and for the electricity tax at the end of 2024.

The interfaces are intended for operators who declare these excise taxes, for example soft drink manufacturers and breweries or electricity companies and electricity network operators. Accounting firms that already use Vero API interfaces for e.g. VAT reporting can benefit from the new interfaces.

Read more: Vero API -

Schedules and timeframes

How to contact us or make enquiries

  • ohjelmistotalot(at)

You can use the e-mail address of the Tax Administration (for software houses) to ask questions related to the Incomes Register as well. We forward the questions to the Incomes Register Unit. However, we remind all users that our e-mail is:

  • Intended for those who work with IT development at commercial software vendor companies
  • Designed to give guidance and support to IT development
  • Not at all for error processing
  • Instead, if you detect an error or become aware of a technical problem, always use the observation form to inform the Incomes Register Unit of it.
Page last updated 6/4/2024