News for software developers – 1/2023

News, 2/16/2023

New version of has released 7 February 2023

Key changes:

  • Ilmoitin accepts income tax returns for corporate taxpayers 2023 accounting periods. Users can both check and submit returns (Forms 4, 6, 6B, 6C and 6U).
    • New enclosure forms are:
      • 67A – Claim for temporary additional tax deduction for R&D expenses - Subcontractors invoices
      • 67Y – General claim for addintional tax deduction for R&D expenses
    • Removed enclosure form: 67 – Additional expense deduction for research and development activities.
    • The following type of enclosure were added 7 February 2023:
      • "Pitkä tuloslaskelma" (Long version of profit-and-loss (P&L) statement)
      • NOTE: Only for filers of Form 6C
    • The updated specifications are found at the Data file specifications - income tax returns website.
  • The data file specifications for annual information returns of 2023 are published but their formats will not be available until the March version of Ilmoitin is launched on 28 March 2023. The updated specifications are found at the Annual information returns & Instructions website.

News about our APIs

The Vero API portal

New registration features are available in the Vero API portal as of 18 January 2023. The goal of software registration is to improve the overall user experience of interfaces, and to improve the quality of integrations through a standardised software implementation process and targeted provision of instructions. When registering, the interfaces are selected that are relevant for the software in Vero API portal and then the system will create an API key for the software.

The API key is specific for each software product, and it serves the purpose of identifying the software. The API key is placed in the vero-softwarekey header information, and every call to be made must contain the API key. This is documented in the API portal in the description of each interface. The API key can be seen in the API portal’s software information on the “API Keys” tab.

The statistics for the first two weeks indicate that more than 120 users have had some 60 software programs registered.

For more information, see Software registration on the website.

Household Expenses Reporting

Interfaces have been opened in production environment for companies to report costs related to household work behalf of individual customers.

Interface for tax-balance details

Intended for accounting firms and other companies, this interface displays the overdue taxes, upcoming taxes and unused payments and refund balances of taxpayer-clients of an accounting firm, etc. The new interface displays similar information as the “Balance specification” pages in MyTax. However, the interface only returns the balance details of companies, not of self-employed professionals and business operators. This interface becomes operational in February 2023.


As the Tax Administration starts managing the Excise Movement and Control System, EMCS, businesses operating with products subject to excise duty and using EMCS can start submitting information on movement of products with this API from 13 February 2023. Due to the system update, the Vero APIs are down on Saturday 11 February at 1 am, re-opening on Sunday 12 February at 5 pm at the latest. New Vero APIs for EMCS start working on Monday 13 February at 08.00 am.

Read more: EMCS interfaces added to the Vero API service

Important information about car taxes

As of 31 January 2023, we have shut down the old versions of these interfaces:

The new interfaces to replace the above were released 21 October 2022:

Other topical issues

Schedules and timeframes

How to contact us or make enquiries

  • ohjelmistotalot(at)

You can use the e-mail address of the Tax Administration (for software houses) to ask questions related to the Incomes Register as well. We forward the questions to the Incomes Register Unit. However, we remind all users that our e-mail is:

  • Intended for those who work with IT development at commercial software vendor companies
  • Designed to give guidance and support to IT development; and
  • Not at all for error processing
  • Instead, if you detect an error or become aware of a technical problem, always use the observation form to inform the Incomes Register Unit of it.
Page last updated 2/16/2023