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Test and develop in the testing environment

Software developers must request a testing certificate for the ApitamoPKI. The testing certificate allows you to try submitting and receiving data in the Tax Administration’s testing environment. You can access the testing environment by connecting to the interfaces’ test addresses with your testing certificate.

ApitamoPKI uses the same testing certificate service as the Incomes Register. If you already have a testing certificate for the Incomes Register WebService, you do not need to request a separate certificate for Tax Administration interfaces. However, the start notification must be completed and must be sent to us (you will find address on the start notification).

How to request a testing certificate 

If you want to start testing ApitamoPKI with a testing certificate, you must do the following:

  • download and complete the testing start notification 6700 (pdf)
  • by signing the start notification and sending it to ohjelmistotalot(at) as a PDF file, you accept the terms and conditions
    • the system starts searcing for a testing certificate for you after you have submitted the notification
    • the technical contact person receives an email with instructions on how to generate a certificate and a secure email for retrieving the testing certificate
      • the testing certificate is retrieved from the WebService interface of the Incomes Register's certificate service, interface description and instructions
      • Address of the certificate service's stakeholder testing environment:
      • the technical contact person makes a certificate request (CSR) and submits it to the interface of the certificate service (SignNewCertificate), receiving a transfer identifier (RetrievalId) in response
      • the tecnical contact person uses the transfer identifier to retrieve the certificate from the interface of the certificate service (GetCertificate)
      • the certificate is at the beginning of the GetCertificate response message at <GetCertificate> <Certificate>
    • when you retrieve the testing certificate in order to run tests with the ApitamoPKI interface, you are the party that must feed the certificate into the software program. If the certificate is not there, the interface will not return the requested answer files or other data to the user organisation.

Apitamo PKI testing environment

The URL’s for accessing the test environment of ApitamoPKI:

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Page last updated 2/24/2022