You can now start testing the requesting of data


The stakeholder testing of requesting data from the Positive credit register has started on 1 September 2023. At this stage, the testing concerns organisations that can use the Positive credit register’s data in consumer lending starting 1 April 2024.

We have published the address of the testing environment API for requesting credit register extracts on our website. Authorities and credit information companies will receive the addresses of the testing environment APIs when their sign-up requests are processed.

Signing up for testing

Organisations can still sign up to test the requesting of data through the Enter portal. Signing up to test the reporting of data also continues.

If your organisation intends to test both the reporting and the requesting of data, you can sign up for both in one go. See the instructions on the use of the Enter portal for more detailed instructions on how to register for the portal, add users, fill in a testing start notification and use the other activities available in the portal.

Certificate for requesting data

Different certificates are used for reporting and for requesting data. Even if the organisation has already retrieved a certificate for testing the reporting of data, they must retrieve a separate certificate for testing the requesting of data.

The organisation’s technical contact person must retrieve the testing certificate within 14 days from receiving the information needed for the retrieval. If the certificate is not retrieved within the time limit, you can request a new certificate by filling in the contact form in the Enter portal.

Test data

The project to establish a positive credit register has created test data that can be used when the requesting of data is tested. We have created diverse income data for shared test customers distributed to multiple stakeholders. The data includes wage, benefit and credit data, and other background data. You can find the test data and descriptions of the data in the Excel file enclosed with the information bulletin Do you need test data to test the requesting of data? in the Enter portal.

If you need test customers with income data that are limited to your use only, submit a request by filling in the contact form in the Enter portal. We can assign each stakeholder up to 10 new test customers that are limited to the use of the stakeholder in question.

The day of version releases and associated service breaks has changed

The Positive credit register’s system is constantly being developed, and a new version of the system is released to the testing environment every two weeks. From now on, new system versions will be released and the service will therefore be down between 1 pm and 5 pm on Tuesdays in odd weeks.

Read more about the new service break schedule and the version releases on our website: Version releases and delivery reports.

Stakeholder events in the autumn

The project to establish a positive credit register holds information events for stakeholders in autumn 2023. Read more: Stakeholder events about testing and data reporting in autumn 2023.

Page last updated 9/1/2023