Welcome to the website of the Positive credit register!


The Tax Administration’s Incomes Register Unit continues to prepare the Positive credit register. As part of the preparations, we have launched a website at positivecreditregister.fi. At first, the website will function as the communication channel for the program to establish the register, and it is targeted at stakeholders and the general public. There will be news about how the program is progressing, general information about the register as well as technical instructions for lenders and software developers. After the register begins to operate, the website will function as the register’s main communication channel for customers, stakeholders and the media.

During the preparations, the positivecreditregister.fi website will serve the register’s stakeholders, i.e., lenders and software developers, in particular. On the website, we will tell the stakeholders what is going on with the program and what is expected from the stakeholders at different stages. The website also offers basic information about the background of the register and the progress of the program to citizens, representatives of the media and other parties interested in the register. We update the website regularly and publish instructions, for example.

Our aim is that the website will serve stakeholders in the best possible way. We welcome feedback from all the users of the website so that we can further develop the website.

The purpose of the new register is to prevent households’ excessive indebtedness

The establishment of the Positive credit register is one of the key initiatives of the Finnish Government. One of its most important targets is to prevent households from taking on too much debt. The legal act that will govern the Positive credit register is being prepared, and the law is expected to come into force on 1 August 2022. According to plans, the register will open in the spring of 2024.

The Positive credit register will gather information on the credit issued to individuals. It improves the lenders’ ability to test the creditworthiness of loan applicants and gives individuals an overview of their credit. In addition, individuals can set up a voluntary credit ban.

If you have any questions, please contact luottotietorekisteri(at)vero.fi

Page last updated 6/29/2021