Testing of the reporting of data is ongoing


Stakeholder testing of the reporting of data on loan contracts started successfully on 2 May 2023. The reporting of data is now being tested by operators affected by the first rollout stage of the Positive credit register. You can still sign up for testing in the Enter portal although the official sign-up period has ended. Organisations intending to test both the reporting of data and the requesting of data can sign up for both at the same time.

In order that an organisation could sign up for testing, one person from the organisation must first register for the portal as a master user. After registering, the master user fills in a testing start notification. Instructions on the use of the Enter portal provide more detailed instructions on how to register for the portal, how to add users, how to fill in a testing start notification, and what other activities are available in the portal.

On 2 May 2023, frequently asked questions about stakeholder testing were published on the register's website. If you do not find an answer to your question, please contact the project by filling in the contact form in Enter.

Addresses of the testing environment APIs are also available on the website.

One sign-up to test both the reporting of data and the requesting of data

Organisations intending to test both the reporting and the requesting of data can sign up for both in one go. Organisations that sign up to test both the reporting and the requesting of data before August 2023 do not need to sign up separately to test the requesting of data in the autumn.

Different certificates are used for reporting and for requesting data. Organisations that sign up to test both the reporting and the requesting of data first only receive information enabling them to retrieve a testing certificate for the reporting of data. The information needed to retrieve a testing certificate for the requesting of data will be sent separately to their technical contact person in August.

The testing of the requesting of data begins on 1 September 2023. The sign-up period for operators testing only the requesting of data in the first stage is 1–31 August 2023. The project will process the testing start notifications within 2 weeks.

Communication during testing through Enter

The project communicates about topical issues regarding testing in Enter. Testers are advised to follow Enter.

Enter will inform about scheduled service breaks, unscheduled breaks in the testing environment, and other critical situations. Information will also be provided about other topical issues regarding testing, such as delivery reports on new version releases and any detected errors.

New versions released to the stakeholder testing environment

The Positive credit register’s system is constantly being developed, and a new version of the system is released to the testing environment every two weeks, on Wednesdays in odd weeks. There is a service break in the stakeholder testing environment between 8 am and 12 noon whenever a new version is being released. The service break may end before noon.

A delivery report is drafted on every version release. The delivery report describes the new functionalities, the corrections made, and any known defects.

Check the scheduled service breaks and delivery reports

Stakeholder testing events in June

The next stakeholder testing events are on 15 June at 2–3.30 pm in Finnish and on 20 June at 2–3.30 pm in English. We will send invitations to the events to the operators of the first rollout stage that are on our stakeholder mailing list. If you are not yet on the project’s mailing list but would like to take part in the events, please send us email to luottotietorekisteri (at) vero.fi.

Page last updated 6/1/2023