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Guarantees provided

The e-service for private individuals shows the loans for which you have given a personal guarantee and have guarantee liability. This means that you have committed yourself to repaying another person's debt to the lender in full or in part, if the original debtor does not repay the loan in the agreed manner.

You can view the guarantees you have provided by selecting View the guarantees you have provided on the home page. The system will take you to the Guarantees provided page.

In the summary view of the e-service, you can find

  • the number of guarantees
  • the name of debtor, and if there is more than one co-debtor, you see the total number of debtors on this line
  • the lender's marketing name, i.e. the name used by the lender for marketing purposes
  • the loan balance, i.e. the amount of loan principal.

For loan details, click the line of the loan whose details you want to view.

The following loan details will be displayed:

  • the names of debtors if there is more than one co-debtor
  • the lender's marketing name, identifier and official name
  • the loan type – lump-sum loan or running-account loan
  • the loan balance
  • the final due date.

If you have not guaranteed any loans, you see the text 'Guarantee information: No guarantees have been reported to the register.'

Page last updated 4/16/2024