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Credit register extract

Lenders and other parties with the reporting obligation must report various data on loans and their interest rates and other details to the register. Some data will be disclosed on credit register extracts to lenders that have the right of access to the data. The loan information that may disclosed on a credit register extract is prescribed by law. Law also defines when and for what purpose your information can be disclosed to a lender. The data content of the credit register extract is always the same. In other words, the purpose for which the lender requests an extract has no effect on the content.

Read more about the disclosure of your data

  • You are applying for a new loan.
  • You are requesting an increase of the credit limit.
  • You are requesting some other change to the loan, such as a deferment of amortizations, change to payment instalments or change to interest rate.
  • You are a guarantor or a third-party security provider of another person’s loan.

Notification of requested credit register extracts

You will receive a notification from the Positive credit register when a lender requests a credit register extract about your data. The notifications are sent through Messages. Please note that you can receive the notifications only if you have activated Messages.

Read how the notifications work

When you have activated Messages, mail from all organisations using Messages will be sent to you electronically.

If you do not want to receive notifications from us, you can change your notification settings in the Positive credit register’s e-service. Go to the Credit register extracts page and select Alerts about requested credit register extracts through Messages.

Notifications are enabled by default, and there is a checkmark in the box next to “I want to receive a notification from Messages when a lender requests a credit register extract about my data. I have activated Messages.”

If you do not want to receive notifications in future, disable them by clicking on the checkbox. When the checkbox is empty, the notifications are disabled (Figure 1).

Note that this selection only applies to notifications from the Positive credit register, not to Messages sent by other authorities. You can change the setting whenever you want.

Figure 1. Checkbox when notifications are disabled.

Credit register extract data

You can view credit register extracts requested by lenders on the home page by selecting Check the credit register extracts. The system will take you to the Credit register extracts page. You will see a list indicating the date of request, name of requester and purpose of use of the extract. If the requester has selected several purposes, the list says ‘Several purposes of use’. You can open the details of a credit register extract by clicking the line in question.

The credit register extract includes information on your loans, the guarantees you have provided and your income, and it shows if you have a voluntary ban on credits. The information is up to date at the time of request. The credit register extract data is based on the data about you that has been stored in the register.

Below is a description of your data disclosed on the credit register extract, divided into summary data, loan data and income data.

Please note that you can see the credit register extract data in the e-service only if a lender has requested a credit register extract about your data. If you do not see any credit register extract data, no credit register extract has been requested about you.

Request details

The Request details section specifies the lender that has requested a credit register extract about you and the purpose for which the extract has been requested.

Extract details

The Extract details section specifies the person on whose data a credit register extract has been requested and when. In addition, you can see information on a voluntary ban on credits if one has been set, and a summary of all loans. The summary is a compilation of your loan data stored in the register.

  • Personal identity code
    • Your personal identity code is disclosed to the lender on the extract.
  • Extract created
    • The date and time when the lender requested the credit register extract about you.
  • Voluntary ban on credits
    • The credit register extract shows a voluntary ban on credits you have set and specifies the reason for it if the ban was in force at the time the credit register extract was requested. If you did not have a credit ban in force when the credit register extract was requested, this section is not included in the extract.
  • Number of lenders
    • The number of lenders that have granted loans to you.
  • Number of loans
    • The total number of your loans reported to the register.
  • Number of guarantees provided
    • The number of such consumer credits reported to the register in which you are a guarantor.
  • Total amount of payments paid last
    • The register extract shows the total amount of the most recently paid amortization, interest and expenses for all your loans.
  • Total of leasing payments per month
    • Leasing contracts’ monthly payments in total

Loan information 

The credit register extract shows the data described in this chapter for each individual loan, provided that the data has been reported to the register. The extract does not include the lender's name or interest data.

  • Type of loan
  • Currency
    • The loan currency.
  • Loan's purpose of use
  • Loan contract concluded
    • The date of conclusion.
  • Number of debtors
  • Amount issued
    • The loan amount granted.
  • Amount paid
    • The loan amount drawn.
  • Loan balance
  • Amortization frequency
  • Payment method
    • The payment method is shown on the credit register extract only if the loan is to be paid as a lump sum (bullet) or if the last instalment is notably larger than the regular instalments (balloon).
  • Final due date
    • The final due date according to the payment plan.
  • Deferment period
    • The start and end dates of the deferment period in format–
  • The loan includes collateral
    • Information whether collateral is included in the loan contract.
  • Type of collateral

If a delayed amount has been reported for the loan, the following information is shown:

  • Delayed amounts
    • The unpaid amount of the instalment that is overdue by at least 60 days, and the due date of the instalment.

If the loan has been accelerated, the following entry is shown:

  • Accelerated
    • Information that the loan has been accelerated.

  • Type of loan
  • Currency
    • The loan currency.
  • Loan contract concluded
    • The date of conclusion.
  • Number of debtors
  • Credit limit
  • Loan balance
  • Balance date
  • Deferment period
    • The start and end dates of the deferment period in format–
  • The loan includes collateral
    • Information whether collateral is included in the loan contract.
  • Type of collateral

If a delayed amount has been reported for the loan, the following information is shown:

  • Delayed amounts
    • The unpaid amount of the instalment that is overdue by at least 60 days, and the due date of the instalment.

If the loan has been accelerated, the following entry is shown:

  • Accelerated
    • Information that the loan has been accelerated.

  • Type of loan
  • Currency
    • The loan currency.
  • Loan contract concluded
    • The date of conclusion.
  • Number of debtors
  • Start date of the contract period
  • Transaction price
    • The transaction price is given if redemption is required by the contract.
  • Deferment period
    • The start and end dates of the deferment period in format–
  • The loan includes collateral
    • Information whether collateral is included in the loan contract.
  • Type of collateral

If a delayed amount has been reported for the loan, the following information is shown:

  • Delayed amounts
    • The unpaid amount of the instalment that is overdue by at least 60 days, and the due date of the instalment.

If the loan has been accelerated, the following entry is shown:

  • Accelerated
  • Information that the loan has been accelerated.

Read more about loan types and all loan details under Loan information

Usually, all the above information on your loans is shown on the credit register extract. An exception is loans that are included in a payment plan of a debt arrangement or in a business restructuring program. Detailed information on these loans is not shown on the credit register extract. However, the loans are included in the total numbers of lenders, loans and guarantees that are shown in the Summary section.

Income data shared with lenders

In addition to loan data, the credit register extract also includes income data. The income data, i.e. information about the wages and benefits paid to you, are received from the Incomes Register. The benefits also include pensions. Please note that this data is shown only on credit register extracts. If no extract has been requested about you, you cannot view the data in the register.

Because the register receives the income data from the Incomes Register, only income reported to the Incomes Register is shown on the extract. Most capital income, for example, is not reported to the Incomes Register. If you want to study your income in greater detail, log in to the Incomes Register.

Read more about personal income data in the Incomes Register

The income data shown on the extract is divided into earnings data and benefits data, and further into gross income and net income. The income data shown is for the past 12 full calendar months preceding the request made by the lender.

Example: If the lender requests a credit register extract about your data on 16 November 2024, the income data shown on the extract is for November 2023–October 2024.

How is the income data shown on the credit register extract calculated?

The gross amount of wage income contains certain income types that payers have reported to the Incomes Register with earnings payment reports. Some income types are not included in the gross amount, even though they are reported to the Incomes Register. Examples of such income types include tax-exempt reimbursements of expenses. Because of this, the income data shown on the credit register extract does not necessarily match the data on your pay slip, for example.

The gross amount of benefits income contains pensions and other benefits that payers have reported to the Incomes Register with benefits payment reports. The calculation does not take losses from insurance-based investment products, for example, into account.

The net amounts of wage income and benefits income are calculated such that certain items that are deductible from wages or benefits are subtracted from the gross income. Deductible items include, for example, tax withheld on wages or benefits, tax withheld at source, reimbursements of fringe benefits, and the employee's health insurance, unemployment insurance and earnings-related pension insurance contributions. In addition, any recovery of unjust income and distraint from income are subtracted.

Read more about the calculation of income data (xls)

When can a lender request a credit register extract?

Your data can be disclosed from the register to lenders only for purposes separately prescribed by law. The data is disclosed on a credit register extract. The data content of the credit register extract is always the same regardless of the purpose for which the extract is provided. In legislation, the credit register extract is referred to as the credit report. The two terms refer to the same data content disclosed to lenders.

New consumer credit contract
The data contained on a credit register extract about you can be disclosed to a business in a situation where the business is obligated by the Consumer Protection Act to assess the consumer's creditworthiness prior to granting a new loan.

Increase of the loan principal or credit limit of a consumer credit
The data contained on a credit register extract about you can be disclosed to a business in a situation where the business is obligated by the Consumer Protection Act to assess the consumer’s creditworthiness or check that the consumer's data is up to date. These situations include the increase of the loan principal or credit limit.

Change to terms of consumer credit
The data disclosed on a credit register extract about you can also be disclosed in a situation where you are requesting a change to your loan other than the above-mentioned an increase of the loan principal or credit limit. In order that the lender could request a credit register extract, the change must also be relevant to the assessment of your ability to manage the loan. Changes like this include amortizations of deferments, extensions of loan periods, changes to payment instalments and other such changes to payment plans, changes to guarantees, and changes to the loan’s reference rate, interest type or margin rate. In the case of minor changes or changes that are not relevant to the consumer's ability to manage the loan, however, the lender has no right to use the data. In such cases, the credit register extract data can be disclosed only if the lender is also obligated to report your loan data to the Positive credit register.

Guarantee or third-party security for consumer credit
Your credit register extract data can also be disclosed in a situation where you provide a guarantee or a third-party security for another person's loan reported to the Positive credit register. A third-party security means that a pledge is provided as collateral for another person's debt. In this case, the lender can use the credit register extract data about you if you are a guarantor or a third-party security provider. The lender can use the data to be able to assess the acceptability of the proposed collateral and the position of the collateral provider. The guarantor or collateral provider whose data can be disclosed on a credit register extract may be a personal guarantor or pledgor, or some other guarantor or pledgor.

Page last updated 10/21/2024