Act as a private individual or on behalf of another individual

  • How to use

  • Identification

    Log in with your online banking credentials, a mobile certificate, or a Citizen Certificate.
  • Use as a private individual

    Choose this role if you want to browse your own earnings payment data or report wages you have paid, for example.
  • Use on behalf of another individual

    Choose this role if you want to use the service on behalf of your child who is under 15 years old or another individual who has granted you authorisation.

E-service functions: Individuals

How to use the Incomes Register – General introduction to the e-service (In English, YouTube 5:12 min)

Personal income data

You can browse the payment data submitted to the Incomes Register by your employer and other payers. You can also request an Incomes Register extract, which includes information on payments made to you and reported to the Incomes Register.

How to use the Incomes Register - View your own income data (English subtitles, YouTube, 2:48 min)

How to use the Incomes Register - Request an Incomes Register extract (English subtitles, YouTube, 1:42 min)

Read the user instructions: Personal income data

Read the user instructions: Extract from the Incomes Register


Report data to the Incomes Register on wages paid by your household. If employer’s health insurance contributions must be paid for the wages, you must also submit an employer’s separate report.

How to use Incomes Register - Household (English subtitles, YouTube 10:52 min)

Read the instructions for filling in the earnings payment report

Read the instructions for filling in the employer’s separate report

Reported data

Browse and search for the reports you have submitted. You can also correct reports or use an earlier report as a template for a new report.

Read the user instructions: Submitted reports

Read the user instructions: Correcting the earnings payment report and the employer’s separate report

Read the user instructions: Records sent


Browse the subscriptions you have made, order a new transcript, or make a new record subscription.

Read the user instructions: Subscriptions made

Read the user instructions: New subscription

If you act on behalf of another individual

On this page, you see the name of the person on whose behalf you are acting and the authorisations the person has granted you.

Only the functions in accordance with the authorisation are displayed in the e-service.

Read more about authorisations

When you have finished acting on behalf of another person, select End session Act on behalf of another. You will move on to the front page of the Incomes Register's e-service and can continue using the Incomes Register. You do not need to log in to the e-service again.

Page last updated 11/22/2023