Service break for the Incomes Register's stakeholder testing environment on 18 December, 4 pm – 11 December, 8 am.

Incomes Register extract

The Incomes Register extract is a transcript in PDF format of the income paid to a private individual or a company that has been reported to the Incomes Register.

The transcript includes the total amounts of all payments for one calendar year. The extract lists all data contained in the reports valid at the time when it was generated. If you want to have a more detailed specification of the income, you can search and view the information on the Personal income data page (for private individuals) or Company’s income data page (for companies and organisations).

The transcript includes data on reported payments for which the payment date is in the selected year. If you request a transcript for the current year, the transcript will contain data from the beginning of the year until the date on which the request was made. The Incomes Register extract can be requested for 2019 at the earliest.

You can request the Incomes Register extract free of charge.

Incomes Register extract for a private individual

As a private individual, you can request an Incomes Register extract that contains data on payments made to you. The Incomes Register extract for 2021 contains both earnings and benefits payment data, while the transcripts for earlier years only contain earnings payment data.

Incomes Register extract for a company

As the representative of a company, you can request an Incomes Register extract that contains data on payments made to the company. Only certain income of a company is reported to the Incomes Register. For example, non-wage compensation for work paid to a company is reported to the Incomes Register if the company is not registered in the prepayment register. The Incomes Register extract for a company is only intended for viewing the income received by the company. You cannot use the Incomes Register extract, for example, to request data on salaries that you have paid to your employees.

Language of the Incomes Register extract

You can select the language in which the Incomes Register extract is generated (Finnish, Swedish or English). If you do not change the language selection, the Incomes Register extract is generated in the language that you are using when requesting the extract. For an extract in another language, change the language and request a new extract.

Requesting an Incomes Register extract

From the drop-down menu, select the calendar year for which you want to request an extract. Confirm the request by choosing Request. You will see a confirmation for a successful request on the screen.

Generating the extract will take approximately 10 minutes. Once the extract is complete, you can download it under Requested Incomes Register extracts. The transcript will remain on the page for three months from the date it was generated.

Data on the Incomes Register extract

The Incomes Register extract contains the following data provided through earnings payment reports by payer and payment date:

  • Payments total
  • Income subject to earnings-related pension insurance contributions
  • Income subject to accident and occupational disease insurance contributions
  • Income subject to unemployment insurance contributions
  • Income subject to health insurance contributions
  • Employee’s earnings-related pension insurance contributions
  • Employee’s unemployment insurance contributions
  • Employee’s health insurance contributions
  • Withheld taxes
  • Tax at source
  • Unjust enrichment total
  • Tax withheld from the recovered amount
  • Tax at source from the recovered amount
  • Recovered payments total

The Incomes Register extract contains the following data provided through benefits payment reports by payer and payment date:

  • Benefit payments total
  • Deductions from gross payments
  • Deductions from net payments
  • Unprompted refunds total
  • Payments reported as payment reallocation total
  • Recourse payments total
  • Withheld taxes
  • Returned withheld taxes
  • Tax at source
  • Returned tax at source
  • Unjust enrichment total
  • Recovered payments total
Page last updated 12/29/2023