Service break for the Incomes Register's stakeholder testing environment on 18 December, 4 pm – 11 December, 8 am.

Act as a data user

  • How to use

  • Identification

    Log in with your personal online banking codes, a mobile certificate or a certificate card.

  • Act as a data user

    Choose this role if you want to use the Incomes Register as a data user.

    Please note that using this role requires your organisation to grant you the master user role or some other data user role.

  • Select a role

    The list includes all the data user roles available to you for the use of the Incomes Register.

A data user is either an organisation or authority which, by law, has the right to obtain data from the Incomes Register.

Select Act as a private individual, if you want to view your own earnings payment data.

Learn more about the e-service functions (master user and other roles): Data user – How to use the Incomes Register’s e-service (in Finnish, YouTube 4:36 min)

E-service functions: Roles for data search

Data search

You can search for data in the Incomes Register according to the data access rights granted to your organisation or the role granted to you.

Read the user instructions: Data search

Data user - Search and browse Incomes Register data (YouTube, in Finnish, 3:31 min)

E-service functions: Master users

These functions can only be used by the organisation’s master user.

As a master user, you manage your organisation’s authorisations in the e-service. You are also responsible for communicating with the Incomes Register. An organisation must always have at least 2 master users.


You can authorise your organisation’s employees to use the Incomes Register. Your organisation’s data user roles are defined in the data permission.

To grant authorisations, you need to be requested to do so. Follow the practices of your organisation.

As a master user, you manage your organisation's authorisations, i.e. you can grant authorisations, terminate them or make changes to them as needed. If a person no longer needs to be a data user, terminate their data user authorisation immediately.

Read the user instructions: Granting authorisation to data users


Browse the subscriptions you have made or order a new transcript or record from the Incomes Register according to the data access rights of your organisation.

Read the user instructions: Subscriptions made – search subscriptions 

Read the user instructions: Transcripts and records – new subscription

Frequently asked questions

In the Incomes Register, data users are the organisations and authorities to which the act on the Incomes Register (Laki tulotietojärjestelmästä 53/2018) grants the right to search for och view data reported to the Incomes Register. These parties may only use the data in the extent and for the purposes laid down in the act.

Data users retrieve data from the Incomes Register to their software via an API. Some organisations also use the Incomes Register’s e-service.

The data is used for decision-making and in other statutory duties.

Read more about data users

A separate data permission decision is made for each organisation entitled to data permission. It defines what information the representatives of the organisation may retrieve and view, and to what extent.

Only an organisation or public authority that has the right to receive data from the Incomes Register under the Incomes Register Act may receive data permission.

Read more about data permission

Representatives of a data user must also identify themselves in the Incomes Register’s e-service with their personal credentials.

You can only use the service on behalf of a data user if you have been authorised by your organisation’s master user to act as a data user.

Data users do not use the authorisation. Instead, the main user of each organisation grants the authorisations in the Incomes Register’s e-service. The main user is also responsible for the maintenance of the granted authorisations.

The majority of data users retrieve data from the Incomes Register to their software via an API. In this case, the organisation will be identified by a technical certificate installed in the software.

Read more about data users

Page last updated 10/24/2024