9A Capital gains and capital losses from trading with securities ‒ Instructions

If you have sold (or otherwise transferred) listed-company stock and you make a profit when all your selling and transfers are consolidated, do not complete Form 9A to submit information to the Tax Administration. Instead, you should ask for your withholding rate to be changed on a revised tax card or ask for a prepayment calculation already during the year when you make the profit and receive the capital gains.
If you wait until the year is over and only inform the Tax Administration of your gains resulting from the selling when you fill in your tax return, log in to MyTax to do so or complete Form 9A.

Use this form to report the capital gains and capital losses in the following situations:

  • when you have sold or otherwise transferred shares in listed companies and book-entry securities;
  • you have redeemed units in a unit trust (i.e. you have sold them); or
  • you have received a refund of corporate capital subject to capital gains tax.

You can also report the capital gains and losses via MyTax. You can obtain the paper form and further information on the form page.The return address is marked on the first page of the form.

Fills the form for all transfers of securities, even if you received non-taxable gains or incurred non-deductible losses for them. If necessary, you can print out copies of page 2 of the form if the itemisation of your securities trading does not fit on one form (in part 3).

Also remember to report transfers of foreign shares and other securities using this form. 

Report transfers of other property, such as real estate, shares in a housing company or shares in a non-listed company, with Form 9 (Capital gain or loss).

When do I need to submit the report?

The capital gains and losses from securities trading must be reported in connection with the pre-completed tax return if there are errors or missing information in the pre-completed information. The Tax Administration will receive the information on capital gains and losses on the tax return from banks, other securities custodians, and management companies. If necessary, report or correct information through MyTax or using this form no later than on the due date of the pre-completed tax return.

Also use this form when you submit a claim for adjustment after the assessment process has finished. Fill in the claim for adjustment of income tax (Form 3308) and attach this form to your claim. You can also claim for adjustment in MyTax.

If you are correcting a pre-completed tax return or information you have submitted previously, or you are claiming for adjustment, tick the appropriate checkbox in the itemisation section for the transfer: indicate whether you are entering a correction to incorrect or missing information concerning the transfer, entirely deleting the transfer, or reporting a new transfer that had been missing from the previous report.

Small-scale selling

If you have transferred property during the tax year with a maximum value of EUR 1,000, you do not have the pay taxes for the gains; on the other hand, neither can you deduct the losses in all circumstances:

• Capital gains are non-taxable if the total selling price of the property you transferred did not exceed €1,000.
• Capital losses are non-deductible if the total acquisition costs of property you transferred during the tax year did not exceed €1,000, and the total transfer prices did not exceed €1,000.

The €1,000 limit does not include disposals of such property which are are tax-exempt according to specific laws or tax rules (for example, the sale of your main home). Disposals of household effects or other comparable personal property will not be taken into account either.

Read more about the taxation of the transfer of securities (in Finnish and Swedish only)

General instructions

Do not attach any securities trading receipts.

The acquisition, ownership and selling of securities constitutes investment activities for which you are obligated to keep documentation. You must take notes of your investment activities based on the receipts and other documents, containing the information required for taxation and itemised to a sufficient degree. You must keep the notes, as well as the receipts and other documents, for a period of 6 years starting from the beginning of the year following the tax year. You can also store the information and receipts in an electronic format, as long as you can print them on paper when necessary.

1 Taxpayer identification and the tax year

Enter your name and personal identity code.

Also enter the tax year, i.e. the year during which you have sold securities.

2 Review of all securities trading

In this section, enter a summary of all of your securities trading for the entire year. Calculate the total selling price of all securities you have transferred during the year and enter the total under "Total selling prices". Also calculate the total capital gains from the securities and the total of all capital losses and enter them in the corresponding fields. In the summary, remember to take into consideration the gains, losses and selling prices you have reported on this form and the transfers that were included in the pre-completed tax return.

3 Itemisation of securities trading

On each row, enter the information of only one security or book entry. If you have sold a batch of the same security (e.g. 100 shares of the same type of one company) in one trade, you can report all of them on the same row if both the acquisition price and acquisition date were the same for all of them.

If the shares were acquired in several batches at different prices and on different dates, the sales must be reported in batches corresponding to the acquisitions.

Tick the appropriate checkbox: indicate whether you are entering a correction to incorrect or missing information concerning the transfer, entirely deleting the transfer, or reporting a new transfer that had been missing from the previous report.

You can deduct from the selling price either the total amount of the actual acquisition price and expenses (sections 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8) or the so-called deemed acquisition cost (section 3.9), whichever is greater. If you use the deemed acquisition cost, you can leave sections 3.6–3.8 blank. You may only deduct the actual acquisition price from the amount of a capital refund distributed from an unrestricted equity fund; in other words, you cannot use the deemed acquisition cost.

3.1 Name of security: The name of the company or unit trust the shares or units of which you have sold. For example, the name of the company and the share type (A or B share) for shares in a book-entry securities system. In the case of a capital refund, enter the details of the security based on which the refund was paid.

3.2 Quantity: The number of securities you have sold or unit trust units you have redeemed.

3.3 Selling date: The date on which you sold (or otherwise transferred) the securities, or on which the capital refund was paid.

3.4 Date when acquired: The date on which you acquired the securities. If you acquired the transferred security as an inheritance, enter the testator's date of death here. If you received the security as a gift, enter the gifting date here.

The taxation of capital gains assumes that you are selling book entries, units in a unit trust and UCITS shares in the same order as you acquired them, unless you present documentation stating otherwise. If you sell several batches of the same security, you are therefore selling the securities you have owned the longest first, and the newest last. This is called the FIFO principle (First In, First Out). The FIFO principle is applied book-entry account specifically.

3.5 Selling price: The price you received for the sale of securities or the amount of the capital refund.

3.6 Selling expenses: The expenses incurred by the sale of the securities, such as the brokerage fee related to the sale and other deductible expenses.

3.7 Acquisition price: The acquisition price of the securities or the acquisition price deducted from the capital refund.

If you received the security as an inheritance or as a gift, enter the taxation value established for inheritance tax or gift tax purposes here. However, if you have sold a security you received as a gift within less than a year from receiving the gift, enter the acquisition cost the giver of the gift could have deducted in his or her own taxation. You must find out this information from the giver of the gift.

If a bonus share issue, rights issue, split or some other special occurrence has taken place during your ownership, you can find out more information on how to calculate the acquisition price from the guide discussing the taxation of securities transfers (in Finnish and Swedish only). You can often find information on corporate events on the company's own website.

3.8 Expenses related to the acquisition: Expenses directly related to the acquisition of the securities, such as a brokerage fee related to the purchase. If you only know the total amount of the acquisition price and the expenses related to the acquisition, you can enter it in section 3.7 and leave this section blank.

3.9 Deemed acquisition cost: Instead of the total amount of the actual acquisition price and the expenses, you can deduct the deemed acquisition cost. Fill this section only if you wish to use the deemed acquisition cost instead of the actual acquisition price and the expenses related to the acquisition. The deemed acquisition cost is affected by how long you have owned the securities before transferring them. Calculate the deemed acquisition cost from the selling price you entered in section 3.5. Deemed acquisition cost is

  • 20% of the selling price if you have owned the securities for less than 10 years; or
  • 40% of the selling price if you have owned the securities for at least 10 years.

You cannot deduct the expenses incurred by the acquisition or sale of the securities in addition to the deemed acquisition cost. If you do not know the acquisition date and price, you can use the 20% value.

3.10 and 3.11: Capital gain and Capital loss: From the selling price of the securities (figure in section 3.5), deduct either the total amount of the acquisition price and expenses (sections 3.6-3.8) or the deemed acquisition cost (section 3.9). Enter the capital gain calculated thus in section 3.10 or capital loss in section 3.11.

Also remember to enter the information in the summary in Part 2.

Date and sign the form. Also give your daytime telephone number.

Page last updated 11/11/2019