You can now sign up for stakeholder testing


Signing up for the Positive credit register’s stakeholder testing has started. The sign-up period of 1 March–30 April 2023 is for such operators of the register’s first rollout stage that

• test only the reporting of data
• test both the reporting and the requesting of data
• participate in the authorities’ early testing.

The sign-up period for operators testing only the requesting of data in the first rollout stage is 1–31 August 2023. Organisations that sign up to test both the reporting and the requesting of data in the spring do not need to sign up separately in the autumn to test the requesting of data.

More information on stakeholder testing and its schedule is available in the instructions for stakeholder testing.

Organisations sign up for testing through the Enter portal. In order that an organisation could sign up for testing, one person from the organisation must first register for the portal as a master user. After the registration, the master user can add other users to the portal. Instructions on the use of the Enter portal provide detailed instructions on how to register for the portal, how to add users, how to submit a testing start notification, and what other activities there are in the portal.

All testing-related communication between the project and the testing organisations takes place through the Enter portal. Questions can be presented on the contact form available in the portal.

Next stakeholder events will be held on 6 March at 2–3.30 pm in Finnish and on 9 March at 2–3.30 pm in English. We will send invitations to the events to the operators of the first rollout stage that are on our stakeholder mailing list. If you are not yet on the project’s mailing list but would like to take part in the events, please send us email to luottotietorekisteri (at)

Page last updated 3/8/2023