The Positive credit register’s customer service is now open


The Positive credit register’s customer service opened on 4 September 2023. Our customer service number 029 497 570 provides service in Finnish, Swedish and English on business days between 9 am and 4 pm.

For more information about the customer service and call charges, see the Positive credit register's contact information page.

Lenders can start signing up as data notifiers on 2 October. The sign-up period ends on 30 November 2023. Lenders using the register’s data can apply for data permissions starting 2 October 2023.

Data on existing loan contracts is submitted to the register between 1 February and 31 March 2024. After submitting their existing loan data, lenders will continue reporting loan data in nearly real time.

Lenders can start using the register’s data on 1 April 2024. On the same date, the register’s e-service for private individuals also opens.


Page last updated 9/4/2023