Data is being uploaded to the positive credit register – follow the progress on our website


The Positive credit register will open on 1 April 2024, and lenders have been able to report their current loans to the register since 1 February 2024. On our website, you can find frequently updated information on how many percentages of the total estimated stock of credit granted to Finnish households (estimate in euros) have been reported to the Positive credit register. We will update the information on Mondays and Thursdays on a weekly basis.

Lenders can start using the register’s data on 1 April 2024. By then, they must report all their current loans covered by the reporting obligation to the register, and then they will start reporting data on a continuous basis. The goal is that when the register is launched on 1 April 2024, it would contain all the existing loan contracts. At present, the euro amount reported to the register is 31.2 % of the total estimated amount of €143 billion. The figure is based on the Bank of Finland’s statistics on the total stock of credit granted to Finnish households.

– In the next two weeks, the lenders need to make a sprint towards the finish line to make sure they will be able to report all their loans to the register before the beginning of April. We’re expecting a large volume of loan data to our register within the next few days, so the register’s coverage will greatly improve before the deadline, says Aino Sarakorpi, Project Director. 

On the register’s Data notifiers page, you can find information on how the reporting of the existing credit stock progresses. The page will show you how many percentages of the above-mentioned €143 billion have already been reported to the register. The information is updated Mondays and Thursdays on a weekly basis. 

– We make every effort to ensure that all lenders are able to report their data to the register correctly and on the schedule, so that when the register is launched in April, the data stored in the register is reliable. Should any lenders be unable to report some or all their loans to the register in time, we will communicate about it separately in the week following the introduction of the register, says Aino Sarakorpi.

Page last updated 3/19/2024