The stakeholder event of 19 May 2022 discussed the descriptions of the API for sending information on loans


The Project to establish a positive credit register held a stakeholder event on 19 May. In the event held in Teams, the project’s specialists discussed the schedule of establishing the Positive credit register and the updated descriptions of the API for sending information on loans.

The API descriptions were sent to stakeholders for review on 2 May, so the stakeholders had the opportunity to comment on the descriptions and ask questions about them even before the event. During the event, changes made to the API descriptions and comments received from stakeholders were discussed. The previous review of the API descriptions for sending information on loans was in autumn 2021.

As the stakeholder event was in the middle of the review period, stakeholders could send comments and questions by email even after the event until 3 June. Based on the comments and questions, minor changes and clarifications may still be made to the descriptions of the API. The API descriptions are available in Finnish and English, and now also in Swedish.

In addition, the first version of the instructions for sending information on loans was sent to stakeholders for review on 10 May. The instructions give a better view of the overall process and the data content to be submitted. The stakeholder review of the instructions in Finnish ended on 3 June. The review period for the English version of the instructions was from 6 June to 20 June.

A Q&A document was compiled on the basis of the stakeholders’ questions about the description of the API and the instructions for sending information on loans, and it was sent to stakeholders by email at the end of June.

If you were unable to attend the event on 19 May or if you are a representative of a stakeholder group of the Positive credit register but did not receive the API descriptions or the instructions for sending information on loans, please send us email to: luottotietorekisteri(at)


Page last updated 8/10/2022