Instructions on stakeholder testing are now available


The project to establish the Positive credit register has published instructions on stakeholder testing: Stakeholder testing (

The instructions describe, for example, how stakeholder testing progresses, starting from sign-up. In addition, they provide information on test data and the start package for testing, as well as on communicating with the project during testing.

The progress of stakeholder testing is described stage by stage.

More detailed instructions will be published at a later stage, such as

  • instructions on retrieval and use of a test certificate
  • instructions on anonymisation of test data
  • instructions on communicating with the project in the Enter portal during testing.

The instructions on stakeholder testing will be discussed in stakeholder events as follows:

  • in Finnish on Monday 6 February 2023 at 2 pm–3.30 pm
  • in English on Thursday 9 February 2023 at 2 pm–3.30 pm.

During the spring of 2023, events on stakeholder testing will be held in Finnish and English approximately once a month. Invitations to the events will be sent to the project's stakeholder mailing list. To join the mailing list, send a message to luottotietorekisteri (at)

Between the events, you can ask questions through the Enter portal, which will opened on 1 March 2023. Before that, stakeholders are welcome to contact us about testing-related matters by sending email to luottotietorekisteri (at)

Page last updated 1/30/2023