7K Rental income – real estate (3012)
You can report your income from renting real estate in MyTax or on Form 7K.
If you co-own the rental property, you only need to report your share of the rental income and any associated costs (this may be the case if you and your husband/wife are co-owners).
The pre-completed tax return – instructions for filing
Note that there are no numbered forms, such as Form 7K, in MyTax. Claim a rental income on your tax return or tax card request.
Other forms related to rental income
- Rental income from an apartment in a housing company – Form 7H.
- Rental income for other property – Form 7L.
- Rental income from foreign countries – Form 16B.
Return address for the paper form
Finnish Tax Administration
P.O. BOX 700
00052 VERO.
Download the form
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Page last updated 11/20/2020