Scam messages have been sent out in the Tax Administration’s name. Read more about scams.

Application for refund of Finnish withholding tax - individual (6164, 6167 and 6166)

If the payer withheld too much tax at source on income from a Finnish source (on dividends, wages or other type of income) or if the payer withheld tax when it was not due, use the forms below to ask for refund.

Send the form back to the address printed on it.

If you have an agent handling your taxes and you wish to have the decision sent to him or her, please indicate this on your request and give the agent's address as appropriate. 

As an alternative to the refund of source tax, you can request progressive income taxation on your wage income or on any other earned income. In that case, complete Form 6148e — Application for progressive taxation.

An application concerning dividend, interest or royalty income can also be submitted in MyTax. After logging in to MyTax, select “Report or request information in a limited scope”. 

Read more on sending electronic applications for tax-at-source refunds and tax-at-source cards.

Page last updated 11/18/2024