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Profits from selling securities

This section is for the capital gains and losses related to the following categories of assets and property:

  • corporate shares and securities of other types, including those that you sold through the services of a foreign remote intermediary
  • shares in investment funds
  • refunds of corporate capital to shareholders, when the refund it treated as a transfer of property for tax purposes and when a non-listed company paid the refund.

In addition, sales or redemption transactions relating to bonds or debentures can result in taxable capital gains or tax-deductible capital losses.

The Tax Administration usually receives the information on sales of securities and fund shares from banks, other intermediaries and investment fund companies in Finland and other countries. Check the information and make additions as necessary. 

If the acquisition date and acquisition price are missing

The pre-completed tax return may be missing the acquisition date and the acquisition price of a security, for example. In this case, to calculate the taxable capital gain, we apply a deemed acquisition cost, which is either 20% or 40% of the selling price of the shares.

The capital gain is calculated with this method in the preliminary tax calculation. Check all the entries, and if anything is missing, make corrections as appropriate.

If acquisition details are missing, you should look up the information on the documentation you received from the bank, for example. If you cannot find the details, you can, as a minimum, fill in the year when you bought the securities. The year has an impact on the size of the deemed acquisition cost. To fill in the year, enter it in the Acquisition date field as 1 January. For example, you can simply enter 1 January 1998 and leave the other fields blank.

Details on securities trading as a CSV file

You can also view your securities trading in a table-format CSV file. You can access the file from the start page of the pre-completed tax return:

  • In the Individual income tax section, click the link Check your pre-completed tax return.
  • Click the link Open details on securities trading as a CSV file.
  • The table that opens shows your securities trading saved in the Tax Administration’s records.

Please note that you cannot edit or send data via the table. You can correct details only in the Profit from selling securities section on the tax return. The corrected data will be updated to the table.

How to file in MyTax

The Pre-completed income and deductions stage contains the information that has been available to the Tax Administration on your transfers of property. If additions and corrections are necessary, click the Open specification button. This will open a specification on your securities trading. Click the name of the security that contains incomplete information in order to add the missing details.

Alternatively, you can enclose the bank’s specification on your securities trading as an attachment file. If you provide such an attachment, add up the selling prices for all securities you have sold during the tax year and report the gains and losses separately.

  • If no transfer information is pre-completed, go to the Other income section and report the information there. Select Yes in the section Profits from selling securities and click the Open specification button.
  • Select whether you want to give details on the securities in the specification or as an attachment:

A) I will give the details on the security in the specification

  • Click the Add new transfer button
  • Select the type of the transfer, i.e. whether the transfer concerns securities or capital.
  • Then fill in the required details.
  • Finally, click OK.

B) I am submitting details on the securities as an attachment

  • First, attach a file you have received from a bank, for example, by clicking the Add file button. Select Attachment regarding sales of securities as the type of the attachment and write a description describing the attachment. You can add multiple attachments.
  • Also fill in the fields in the Value of transfers section. Add up the selling prices for all the securities you have sold during the tax year. Also report capital gains and capital losses. Make sure that the details in the attachment match the total amounts entered in the fields.

If you owned bankrupt-company shares, you need to write off the loss caused by the bankruptcy. To receive the tax deduction, do this:

  • Click the Open specification button under Transfers of securities, year 2023. Your purchase transactions related to the bankrupt company will appear.
  • Click each one of the links that contain names of that company’s shares.
  • Because of the bankruptcy, the pre-filled information shows “€0” as their selling price. Check the pre-filled purchase prices and expenses related to the purchases of shares. If everything is correct, click OK. After this, the system will transfer the loss caused by your bankrupt-company stockholding to the tax calculation. If you had bought the shares in several batches, remember to check the pre-filled information on all of them, purchase by purchase.
  • If nothing appears on your tax return regarding your shareholding in the bankrupt company, you must enter your shares’ purchase price, the expenses connected to the purchase, and the selling price (€0) into the appropriate fields in MyTax.

Further information

How to file on paper

If you report profits or losses incurred from the sales of securities in Finland and other countries on a paper form, use Form 9A. Also use Form 9A to report any sales carried out through a remote intermediary in a foreign country.

However, Form 16B must be used when reporting other capital income resulting from transactions carried out through a remote intermediary.

Page last updated 9/27/2023